Beginners - October 2012 (Page 79)

Nested for loops......HELP!!!
I need to create the pattern below. * * ** ** *** *** **** ...
[1 reply] : Look at each side and see how many stars there are compared to the lin... (by Zhuge)
New, need guidance
Problem: Write a program that prompts the user to enter some number of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills. Query the user separately for the number of ea...
[1 reply] : Look at the page You will ... (by histrungalot)
Fix my almost-finished square root code?
I'm trying to design a code that will tell you whether your number is a perfect square or not. I've gotten kind lost with it and am not really sure where to go....
[1 reply] : I would have named the function is_perfect_square() , since the purpo... (by Duthomhas)
bad_alloc due to memory allocation in a loop
Hey all. I am brand new to C++, but decided to try it out for a project I am working on. The program I am trying to write takes two input files, each of which...
[1 reply] : I believe I solved the error--it turns out that every subarray of dpt ... (by OccamsChainsaw)
Football calculator
Hello guys! I am a complete beginner at C++ and have run into a lot of problems, but google has solved most of them, but not this one. I am trying to make...
[2 replies] Last: I see, your formula would be fine as well, but is there any reason to ... (by StevetheHunter)
RemoveAll function
I've coded the program. However, when I run it, it crashes at the end and adds extra random numbers. I can go back up the program and see that it provides the...
[1 reply] : Here is the test coding: #include <iostream> #include "arrayListT... (by zero7741)
Help please!! having trouble using booleans/ if statements
I have included the code I am working on. I am new to the C++ programing and I am not understanding how to use the if statements. If someone could please point ...
[5 replies] Last: I've been working on my program and it still doesnt work. This is what... (by ariana2608)
segfault and gdb won't give me a line number
I'm getting a segfault somewhere in this method: void drawBattle::loadImage(int index, string filename, bool polarity) { if (polarity == true) //It's an...
[no replies]
help me quick please new to c++
code is at bottom please help have to make the program below display lettergrade next to average and ask for the grades in a loop can anyone help me plea...
[3 replies] Last: You can change ALL the float types to int. (by Blue Shell)
cin.get(char) + switch statement
Hey everyone, I am currently struggeling with using the get function of the standard input stream. I want to use an endless while loop to get user input that...
[2 replies] Last: ok You need to place brackets around each of your cases (this is good ... (by soranz)
by jamkas
Polynomial with Class and Header
Gentlemen, I'm very confused by this recent assignment I received from my Professor. Here is the actual assignment CMPS 148: Homework 2 Write a class that...
[2 replies] Last: Here is the output I'm trying to get : Sample output – user input... (by jamkas)
by moot1
how can i improve this
how can i improve this calculator? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int Amount; int Number; int whatoperation; ...
[6 replies] Last: Essentially, to be able to make calculations based on something like t... (by soranz)
by nkyle
Help w/ Ogre and Dev-C++ & inline from headers
I'm trying to set up Ogre with Dev-C++, having problems! I always get a inline from other header files. Any suggestions?
[no replies]
Self implementation of std::next_permutation(), just want to check something
I wrote my own version of next_permutation() and it works fine, but am I missing something? bool next_permutation(vector<int>& vec) { for(vector<int>::...
[2 replies] Last: Nope, no complaints from the compiler. Instead of setting a breakpoi... (by georgep)
Hi, I am using Windows 7 64-bit and Visual Studio 2008 version 9.0.21022.8. In short, I am looking for the header "FileAPI.h". My compiler tells me "Cann...
[7 replies] Last: Chech out their entries in MSDN e.g. Get... (by andywestken)
Return 2
It has been solved
[2 replies] Last: return is a very specific word that I don't think you meant to use h... (by Stewbond)
How to store searched elements in an array
Hi I'm rather new to c++ and have a homework assignment that requires me to make a .txt file with names and numbers then read in the file for input and store th...
[1 reply] : I do not know how to store the data in an array because the size of th... (by vlad from moscow)
Search Through Directories
I am using Mac OSX 10.8 with g++ 4.2.1 I have a directory (dataSets) which stores a unified set of scientific data all in the same format. These data sets ar...
[no replies]
by Yoda
Begginer) Is DEV-C++ question
Is it the best program to start learning programming/compiling in. Or should I upgrade to some other (unknown to me) program? Please let me know ASAP... I am...
[5 replies] Last: Is none using microsoft visual studio? :> (by Serri)
Program homework help (C++)
Assignment: I'm not sure as to how I will get the second set of discounts to work. I am quite n...
[2 replies] Last: /*int*/ totaldrinks = (coffee * 1.35) + (latte * 3.15) + (mocha * 3.4... (by ne555)
October 2012 Pages: 1... 7778798081... 84
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