Help with my excerise |
[4 replies] Last: It's exactly like you said. You're using the first version of the func... (by maeriden)
by b1b2b3b4
Help for for loop!
[9 replies] Last: A question before everything else: does your code get compiled? Becaus... (by maeriden)
by dutchman
count digits in user input
[4 replies] Last: Yes I got it! Thank you! (by dutchman)
by ezis15
Need help with an exercise.
[1 reply] : your if statement is incorrect, you need to break up the statement eve... (by Need4Sleep)
by talahib098
Ascending and Descending order
[3 replies] Last: We could work on your code. To sort number, you could use std::sort(... (by ne555)
by theuser
declarations and definitions
[2 replies] Last: You're close, you're only off when you say "not a value" -- a definit... (by theuser)
by toomanystars
sprite sheet help
[2 replies] Last: Thanks naraku, I like both ideas; simply take the dimensions and do a... (by toomanystars)
by clodi
questions on "classes"
[9 replies] Last: Hey i know the questions answered but in your first post you asked if ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Fransje
strcpy() changes return array
[3 replies] Last: I see. And now I understand SDL_PollEvent( &event ) as well. Thanks!... (by Fransje)
by VladimirD
array declaration and definition
[3 replies] Last: You could change the array into a pointer and allocate it dynamically.... (by helios)
by TomUIC
Extracting data from a file
[1 reply] : Simple solution is to introduce a flag bool nameFound = false; while... (by codewalker)
by Amethyst
Operation on using Class
[4 replies] Last: I changed it to this plus I also added the const in the operator and i... (by Amethyst)
what is the code for a reservation of an airplane ticket??? |
[3 replies] Last: @Zhuge Like a boss :) (by vichu8888)
by anreese1
Reading from a file help finishing code
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include<iom... (by vichu8888)
Track Local Max and Min Values for X and Y |
[5 replies] Last: sorry nvm. (by ilovelearning)
by Fransje
friend operator function
[5 replies] Last: I this case the operator > has access to the private and protected mem... (by pogrady)
by nath2582003
I am very new to this.
[2 replies] Last: I think u didnt call the void Addsomethingup (EmployeeClass Emp1, Emp... (by vichu8888)
by Sn0wBreezy
Need help passing 2d-array between classes
[1 reply] : functions.h: namespace func{ int findWord(char (*Array2D) , int i, ... (by pogrady)
by gonchi1207
open hash using chained lists
[5 replies] Last: Sure, you can use a double pointer/array of pointers (if your hash tab... (by BlackSheep)
by mrjynxftw
Need some help with my RPG...
[6 replies] Last: I don't know if anyone will still be willing to help me with this, but... (by mrjynxftw)