Beginners - October 2012 (Page 52)

Telephone letters into digits
Hi there, I have the following code that displays up to a char level. I need to write a program where the user will enter letters as a phone number and it wi...
[6 replies] Last: How about just displaying it with the hyphens. cout << PhoneNumber ... (by ryancb06)
Help with writing function
I am having some more troubles with functions. This function will calculate and return the X-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola. It takes two double argum...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you helios, I am left speechless. I took 30min+ to read this cod... (by chunkymonkey11)
10 grade input to output as entered.
I have an assignment to let a user input 10 test grades and then have 3 sets of output. The first one should be the list as entered by the user, the second is ...
[4 replies] Last: bumping this to the top, still looking for help on this, anything cons... (by Andrew Lowrey)
new to C++
I'm currently on an FIRST FRC robotics team and I programmed our robot in Lab view last year, but I'm trying to learn C++. I'm wondering what is the best softwa...
[3 replies] Last: Aceix is correct and I would suggest Code::Blocks with MinGW ... Mak... (by Yoda)
by Yoda
Just watched a tut video sayin learn C before C++.. question
Should I just jump into C++ right off the the get go? I was thinking I should learn C++ first and foremost considering that I have read posts saying learning C ...
[3 replies] Last: Ok based on responses I will continue with C++ first since C will have... (by Yoda)
random words from text document
Hello. I was wondering how you would gererate a random word from a text document. I have tryed this string startWord; string getlin; ifstream st...
[no replies]
Fastest sort algorithm?
Hey guys, I am making a spell checker. I have to load the dictionary text file into a vector (which I have done), sort the vector into alphabetical order to mak...
[4 replies] Last: The elements are nearly sorted. What about shell sort? I think that wo... (by WesleySnipes)
Opening and Printing to multiple txt files.
Could someone provide me with an example of how to open and print to multiple txt files?
[1 reply] : just use two streams: ifstream in01, in02; ofstream out01, out02;... (by Lowest0ne)
cin w/o enter
Im making an ASCII game, and I'm not very good, and I would like to know what I can use to take input without having to press enter. Here's one of my functio...
[11 replies] Last: You are using Windows, right? Use iskeypressed () to see if there is... (by Duthomhas)
What am I doing wrong writing function properly
I need help writing this function properly. double getA(); This function will get and return the a-coefficient of the parabola. It takes no arguments a...
[2 replies] Last: thank you vichu8888 for the help (by chunkymonkey11)
Overload + operator
How do I overload the + operator? this is my code: #ifndef MONEY_H #define MONEY_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Money; ostream &op...
[no replies]
do while loop
I need to create a program that generate random letters using a previos one, until it is the same as user type. When I include the do while loop to make the l...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags <> on the right. #include <iostream> #include... (by Chervil)
by Amspen
Socket programs not compiling
So at the moment I am learning winsocket programming but my problem is that the programs don't seem to be compiling. I am using Dev-c++ and it gives me this err...
[no replies]
visual studio c++ fstream
Im trying to make the program pull up a schedule from a txt file and display it but it only displays "true." im sure its easy and simple to fix but i cant seem ...
[3 replies] Last: yeah i have already removed the ifstream::binary i was something i jus... (by LucasCarioca)
Need help with
This is a project I'm working on and i am totally lost with functions, I do not even know where to go or if im doing any of this right. Any hints towards what I...
[no replies]
by rodre
Search Delimeted Text file
Hello, I am a newbie and here is what I need to do: Return from a comma delimted file, the value based on the first column and the position column to retu...
[no replies]
by nahla
How would I fix this?
How would I fix this code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // Required for setw() setprecision(), fixed. #include <math.h> using namespace std; int...
[no replies]
by nahla
Limitation of my c++ program? How would I find this out?
Size limitations are particularly evident with integers. On some computers, integers can only be about 32,000, on others, they can go up to a little more than ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <limits> template <class T> void show_m... (by cire)
Using arrays in switch statements?
I was wondering if its possible to put arrays in switch statements, I've tried but I always get an error. Here's what I'm trying to do: switch(userNumbers) ...
[5 replies] Last: Oh ok, but this is the first programming language I'm learning (by DJLad16)
by ainak
Add subtract loop c++
// i know this may seem like way to beginer but i need to know how to make a for loop with a mod to either add when positive or subtract when negative. //her...
[2 replies] Last: Use proper indentation and code tags please, makes the post a lot easi... (by Need4Sleep)
October 2012 Pages: 1... 5051525354... 84
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