Beginners - October 2012 (Page 44)

by cHup
i'm confused about "cmath" what's the main points cmath?
[3 replies] Last: You can do a lot of calculations without using the cmath library. For... (by Chervil)
constructor / operator overload
Hi all, I have this code: struct Numbers { int A; int B; Numbers( int a = 0, int b = 0 ) { A = a; B = b; } v...
[8 replies] Last: Wow, thanks a lot, rollie. That really cleared things up! :) (by Fransje)
by ADR
How to delete record in an array?
I have this code that calls a number and is equal to the array, I need to remove the whole line: cout << "Enter the number you want to delete:"; flushall...
[1 reply] : Just set it equal to 0 or "" depending on what data type Person .Numbe... (by IceThatJaw)
arithmetic calculation
i'm having problem in my code.. displayFraction() doesn't display the right answer... any suggestions please here's the code #include <iostream> using na...
[1 reply] : First of all, please edit your post so that it uses code tags - the ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Tsuki
Im really new to c++
hey guys, im really new to c++ and i was trying to write a calculation program. basically what im trying to do is make it so that when it gets too 100 of somet...
[1 reply] : You will need to use some kind of loop. In each iteration of the loop ... (by Fransje)
by Kass
Compiler issue with ifstream input
Preface: I certainly consider myself a beginner, but I don't know if this is a "beginner" issue, so this might be the wrong forum. So, I have this program that...
[4 replies] Last: Narrowed down the problem more. Only happens when using chars for comp... (by Kass)
by nova4
Way beginner problem
The game plays fine, but I need help figuring out a code to keep the points from ever going below 0 no matter how many guesses are input. #include <iostr...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome thank you so much, such a small fix I should have seen it. (by nova4)
by enko
Heap vs Stack iteration on large array.
Forgive me in advance if this question sounds completely asinine to you. I am trying to understand memory management, and I am using C++ as a tool. I've r...
[2 replies] Last: Measuring performance is a delicate business. Here's what I get when ... (by Cubbi)
Problem calculating sine of an angle
Hi! First I want to say thanks to those who helped me start learning C++ one week ago! Now I am learning, I wrote some Calculating programs, They're all worki...
[9 replies] Last: I think the purpose of the assignment is for the OP to write their own... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with if
Hello, I am trying to write a program using the "if" function but I cant figure out how to make it work properly. The section I am working on looks like: co...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, got it thanks alot (by closed account Dy0fSL3A)
help with output file
Almost completed this assignment. It's a store program that uses structures to save and manipulate data that has been inputted from a text. At the end of the si...
[1 reply] : In line 113 you have while i < 21; Shouldn't it be while i < (user ent... (by CONNERtheBUSH)
ln in C++ form?
How do you write ln in C++ form? thanks!
[2 replies] Last: I got it. Thanks for your help. (by tpslugger)
Understanding an error
Hey there, I need help with an error // englobj.cpp // objects using English measurements #include <iostream> using namespace std; /*---------------...
[2 replies] Last: Ah HA! thank you! (by MrHatchi87)
••Basic Tutorial••
This is my first video for this basic tutorial: I may not be that experienced with c++, but I am making these t...
[1 reply] : Stop while you are behind. There were so many things that are wrong th... (by BHX)
Global Variables
I have been constantly told that global variables are a bad idea, because it can cause memory leaks, what are the other types of variables named, and how would ...
[11 replies] Last: You have a good start with you Monster class, but there're a couple of... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need help with code asap
I have a class called TestScores. Within this class, I have another class called NegativeScore. What the class NegativeScore does is throw an exception. The exc...
[1 reply] : NegativeScore should be an empty class nested within the TestScores cl... (by schwanstabilo)
Is it possible to increment/decrement a number if the number has been initialized as a character?
To be a more specific, I am trying to decrement the character every time a condition takes place. i.e. from 10 to 9 to 8...etc. There is a function which on...
[16 replies] Last: The atoi and itoa functions worked like a charm. @ sloppy9 Than... (by dtaqee88)
by Milun
Problem with function overloading.
Hello. I have made a .h file called "Vector.h" in order to store some of the commonly used operations I perform on vectors, as they don't seem to automatically ...
[2 replies] Last: Hooray! Thanks! By placing all the function definitions in a separate ... (by Milun)
Issue with int not being modifiable?
So I was working through some extra exercises in the book for my C++ class and was coding up one that had you sort an array using a bubble sort. I had it workin...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, ok. I feel stupid. Thanks! I was so focused on where the error c... (by scapegote)
can't start .exe file
I made a program in MS Visual Studio 2010 C++ and built it without problem. I can run the .exe file in the local computer, but I can't run it in other computer...
[3 replies] Last: /clr:pure That's not a C++ program. Sorry, can't help you there.... (by helios)
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