Where is this program wrong? |
[7 replies] Last: ty (by colin striefsky)
by rd3
[3 replies] Last: try this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw Once yoe put it in th... (by Qmechanics)
by buustar
[4 replies] Last: You are writing to the same elements in c in both loops. If you want c... (by Peter87)
by devonrevenge
loops in functions...why does one example work but the other doesnt?
[5 replies] Last: and why does this fill the whole board with * Because this if ((brd... (by naraku9333)
by noylekul
I'm not sure why this isn't working...
[2 replies] Last: ok, thank you for the help. I thought I was setting the values, but ma... (by noylekul)
by cOde5
simple examples of using "->"
[4 replies] Last: Hello all, Thanks for the helps. It's much more easier now. Special... (by cOde5)
by EZX
A task about RANDOM and massives
[3 replies] Last: set total to zero int total=a; for each element in A for (int i=0... (by Moschops)
by lSgtPepperl
How do i put this in Standard deviation?
[no replies]
Vector, rus sumbols
[3 replies] Last: yep: int main()... string tmp("рус"); cout << tmp << endl; // suc... (by MEPTPAH)
C++ Builder or VisualC++? Which one is better?
[8 replies] Last: Sorry if I'm asking too much questions, but NOTHER ONE: My main purpos... (by AIVIO)
by ab123
Accessing attribute of object
[5 replies] Last: for the non static case: yes (by coder777)
Makefile |
[2 replies] Last: I believe we were taught this method: project.exe: main.o weapon.o ... (by Lowest0ne)
by ghadf
I want to check for duplicate.....can you help me please?
[3 replies] Last: You missed my point. I understand i is the number of elements in your... (by AbstractionAnon)
by treefitty
Simplest possible C++ networking tutorial?
[2 replies] Last: Try learning Winsock, it's not easy but so what: http://msdn.microsoft... (by codekiddy)
by skarla
sdl problem
[no replies]
by jim hurley
".h" Explanation and Downloading help
[11 replies] Last: No don't be, you saved me a lot of time and I understand libraries now... (by jim hurley)
Help with assignment !!! |
[5 replies] Last: try adding semi colon ';' at the end of the weapon class declaration (by vichu8888)
by EclectoMan
Trouble with Try/Catch illegal argument exceptions
[no replies]
by noylekul
Need a little help with Fractions and Structs
[6 replies] Last: Not in C++. (Good old C has variable-length arrays, which are what you... (by Catfish2)
by bjt223
Want to play again?
[6 replies] Last: In the else statement on line 60 I am guessing you are trying to end t... (by dtaqee88)