by lanceTCT
Pascal triangle
[1 reply] : There are N rows (in this case, N = 6). If you index the rows as K ... (by shacktar)
by ziodice
Nothing happens when I run program?
[8 replies] Last: Oh. Duh.....haha (by ziodice)
by lanceTCT
nested for looping
[3 replies] Last: kk...thanks for u guys!! (by lanceTCT)
by IWishIKnew
Opening, writing, then running a file. (1,2)
[33 replies] Last: ok... w.e. I found the answer and im sorry for getting frustrated. c... (by IWishIKnew)
by Oodaloop
Nested if statements
[2 replies] Last: thanx EggHead i get it nw. (by Oodaloop)
by Yezman
Pass by reference, wont accept my value.
[12 replies] Last: Yeah, that worked well, thank you shacktar. Its annoying how simple so... (by Yezman)
by jpopp21
Nim game
[no replies]
by biplav17
[4 replies] Last: thANKS (by biplav17)
by IWishIKnew
run a file
[11 replies] Last: What's your problem? You came here asking for peoples help, so to cal... (by ascii)
by illlojik
Parallel Array Help
[7 replies] Last: I have another array problem. This is my program: #include <ios... (by illlojik)
If-else problem. |
[3 replies] Last: why doesn't this: infile >> num1 >> num2 >> num3; while (... (by Azagaros)
Help with decimal places. |
[2 replies] Last: thank you shacktar! (by Cosimo Vilardo)
by phenamana
Finding Probability of Const Int
[1 reply] : 16 chances of getting an ace jack queen or king. 52 cards in a deck. U... (by novablows)
by brotchier
Until keypressed
[11 replies] Last: They are pretty close, though, as they are a staple to old DOS console... (by Duthomhas)
by Modify
Erasing part of the string
[1 reply] : Use find() on "11 " and erase that. Alternatively, use split+erase+joi... (by Athar)
by r64
Best way to convert a character to a number?
[11 replies] Last: well you can certainly can, if you wanted you could have an associativ... (by ultifinitus)
by bebop07
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition Combo Generator
[no replies]
by Smooth23
difference between c-string and character array?
[2 replies] Last: I guess I'm just trying to figure out if by c-string they just mean a ... (by Smooth23)
by zone19871
Array and functions usage with Classes
[1 reply] : hello .usr(); or for a pointer hello ->usr(); EDIT: You have a... (by strongdrink)
C++ Program using Passwords? |
[4 replies] Last: Greatly Appreciated Thank you! :D (by redacted178923)