Beginners - October 2011 (Page 47)

Basic pointer questions.
Hello, I've got a decent grasp of basic C++, but pointers are still voodoo to me and I tend to avoid them. Considering they're a vital part of C programming,...
[5 replies] Last: At first glance, ownership is the problem. You can't store the addres... (by moorecm)
by cdr255
My first "finished" project
Hello Everyone. My name is Christopher Rodriguez, and though I've been messing around with C++ for a few years, I had never really created a program of my o...
[3 replies] Last: SDL is a multimedia library -which means, it's for handling images, so... (by hanst99)
by tonnot
What can be a faster method to insert or delete information into a map?
I have a map in which I store int,string. I use it to store changes linked to a simple rows-data. If I change line 3 I store the change for line 3 If I have ...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah you have a point I think everyone should make a linked list at so... (by quirkyusername)
Simple question about loop while
Hi guys, I literally only started messing about with C++ yesterday. After watching some tutorial videos and looking at other peoples code i've made a simp...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, well spotted thanks :) I've actually just removed them lines of c... (by duggie323)
String Literals and Implicit Char Arrays?
I'm currently reading the C++ Primer Plus 5 th Edition book, and I'm reading about strings (not the STL std::string ). According to this book, character lit...
[no replies]
by paie
cryptarithmetic loop
hello can anyone help me.. write a program that finds solutions to the cryptarithmetic puzzle of: TOO + TOO + TOO + TOO = GOOD
[8 replies] Last: im sory bcoz i just get the question from c++ book then i want to try ... (by paie)
Arrays of pointers to functions - Still confused here...
I am thankful for input on my former post, but it really did not answer my question. I am also sorry for mistyping the title.... - cin.get(cr); ???? - ...
[1 reply] : If you have more questions then ask them in that thread, rather than c... (by helios)
Game screen
i have a question, i want to make a small game, but i dont want to write the whole screen more then once, i know it is possible because my friend made it and he...
[8 replies] Last: the only way ur gonna get proper 2D or 3D graphics in a game would be... (by sohguanh)
Use template to measure size of array
At first, I wrote something like this template<typename T, size_t size> inline size_t const sizeof_array(T const ){return size;} but it failed, then I f...
[1 reply] : template<typename T, size_t size> inline size_t const sizeof_array(T... (by sohguanh)
Multiple inheritance and constructors of base class call problem.
Hello all, at start I want to tell that I cannot find anywhere an answer, probably because (in my opinion also) everything should work ok, so the problem is - I...
[1 reply] : Ok, I found the answer: If you have OneClass which inherit AnotherClas... (by Marek Kijo)
Declaring Variables
Hi All I was wondering what the best practices are in C++ with regards to declaring variables. Usually in C# I declare variables as camelCasing but I was ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok great - thanks for the help! (by shamas21)
LINK2001 error for SFML
I'm trying to learn SFML and so I downloaded the headers and libraries and I'm going through the tutorials with Visual Studio C++ 2010. When I try to compile...
[3 replies] Last: Problem solved (well mostley) For anyone that may have the same probl... (by Stewbond)
Help with sentinel value
Hi, I am working on a school project and I am supposed to write a function that takes an array as an argument, ask for inputs, and then it is suppose to p...
[1 reply] : You're going to want to look up Exceptions. (by captdrizzle)
hello, I have tried to fixed the following sort function for my linked list but unfortunately i can't get it to work. What is happening is that it keep dele...
[3 replies] Last: THANKS YOU so much for your help. I figured it out thanks for your hel... (by johnhuge)
Vector subscript out of range
Hello all. I am trying to solve this problem - When I run this program, i get a debug assertio...
[2 replies] Last: You're amazing. Problem solved lol. (by Maese909)
temperature conversion assistance
New Member Join Date: Oct 11 Posts: 1 C++ temperature conversion assistance ----------------------------------------------------------------------...
[3 replies] Last: Your C to F formula is still wrong. do you know why the formula is w... (by Disch)
Help with bubble sort
I'm having sorting out the numbers from lowest to highest. Can you guys help me? Here it what I have so far. unsigned a = {300,4,6,1,5,600,1,800}; ...
[no replies]
Function Help
Hello, I'm having a little problem with my program. The user prints a number, and the value of that number is the number of times the loop will iterate. Basical...
[3 replies] Last: @illlojik You don't really need line 14, since you are printing 'Hea... (by whitenite1)
Cant find what the error in my code is
This is supposed to be a basic game where you guess a number and the comp will tell you if you got it right or not. I have the entire thing written, but i cann...
[1 reply] : On line 21 you (I assume) are missing a closing brace for your while(... (by Zhuge)
Xcode and C++
I am just beginning to learn C++ and I am on a mac. I am wondering why I have to put std:: in front of cout to trace something. (Please dont say anything like "...
[2 replies] Last: I wouldn't call this a problem as much as a useful feature. What happe... (by Albatross)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 59
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