by jackzuck
Program only works sometimes...
[3 replies] Last: The second part of your message scares me... I have done it using a c... (by jackzuck)
by Painguy
Conditional statement help
[7 replies] Last: Ah right, sorry I hadn't quite understood what you were asking at the ... (by TheMeerkat)
by Shadoninja
Checking for a char input to be only a letter
[1 reply] : @Shadoninja Here's how I'm doing it, while getting the input if the u... (by whitenite1)
by Gui
[2 replies] Last: welcome ,welcome (by Dinesh subedi)
by liondancer
constructor help!
[2 replies] Last: i see! thank you very much!!!!! (by liondancer)
by squik
can someone help me out w a line of code?
[7 replies] Last: ^ does not mean exponentation in C++. It means something else. You n... (by Disch)
by GRex2595
error C2784. getline 3 arguments expected - 2 provided
[5 replies] Last: I'm using stringstream because I read on this site's tutorial to use t... (by GRex2595)
by Nybble
Reading own process memory
[3 replies] Last: I have this other question: How come when I try to read the memory fr... (by Nybble)
String Class Problems |
[no replies]
Help with sorting elements from lowest to highest
[4 replies] Last: Perhaps you should have used a different operator? You know, the one t... (by Albatross)
by Trashcan42
Factorial Operator
[6 replies] Last: I have the same book. That author is Bjarne Stroustrup so he knows wh... (by nathan10)
by Shadoninja
Comparing chars to strings
[3 replies] Last: What code would I need to use to go about checking the string for the ... (by Shadoninja)
by mikeb6789
C++ project dynamic array of string creation
[2 replies] Last: or http://www.fredosa... (by BrokenSilenceDev)
by aasaa
local var
[3 replies] Last: No, the local variable no longer exists. You are not reading data fro... (by Disch)
by aasaa
local variable
[5 replies] Last: Correct. Returning a reference or pointer to a local object is illegal... (by helios)
[ask] lamport bakery's critical code |
[no replies]
by Carreter
Issue with Fuction
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I understood what was wrong. (by Carreter)
by shooninjo
Invalid conversion from 'const char' to 'char'....?
[2 replies] Last: Oh, thanks. I will try it. Regarding the variable: Yeah it seemed st... (by shooninjo)
by Floeps
Extending templated class, with self referential templated class
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that was it. I've added the code tags in the original post ... (by Floeps)
by yramenna023
What looping am i going to use?
[5 replies] Last: do while is pretty much the same as a while with the exception tha... (by Stewbond)