Beginners - October 2011 (Page 29)

by vizard
What's wrong with this program?
I've been trying to learn about pointers and vectors and had to create this program as an exercise in my book. Why doesn't it work (i was supposed to create a v...
[1 reply] : You declared p but never used it, then declared *pp and defined it to ... (by WilliamW1979)
Need help 10% of grade due in 50 min. Pay $10
If you can help me with this I will take ur address and mail you $10. It is extremely urgent...havent had time to do it because of pledging. I need to calcula...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry mate- looks like time is up.. (by ultifinitus)
by KKlax
While Loop Terminating with break statement
Hello everyone! This is my code, and I need a second opinion. My program executes and outputs correctly, but I don't have the matching output as my book. Can ...
[2 replies] Last: Well..not all books are But it was line 20 and 21. I t... (by KKlax)
A very quick question on declaring stuff
If int* x defines a pointer, then does int& y define a reference? I know it sounds like a silly question, but it's screwing me up at this one part
[6 replies] Last: To make you feel better, you are correct. If you ever forget, look at ... (by WilliamW1979)
problems of unique_ptr
compiler : gcc4.6.2(minGW), vc2010 os : win7 64bits int A ; srand(0); std::generate(A, A + sizeof_array(A), (){ return rand() % 100; } ); std::vector< st...
[no replies]
by Claymz
Passing multi-D arrays into functions
Hi all! In how many ways can a multidimensional array be passed in a function as an argument? Is it possible to pass in only a selected dimension from multi-D ...
[no replies]
by Claymz
Use of const &
Hi all! If you intend to use some passed in argument in a function, but not change it, is it better to use const &, rather then making functions private copy...
[2 replies] Last: Reference parameters are used when a certain argument is required. Whe... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by Akusa
reading ascii from a file and converting it to a char
Hello, our teacher gave us a notepad file with lyrics to a song, however, instead of the lyrics the file is filled with stuff like "&#68;&#111; &#121;&#111;&#11...
[no replies]
Problem with Codeblocks?
Yeah, this has nothing to do with code itself, but I need help. Sometimes, codeblocks will randomly say <projectname> uses an invalid compiler, nothing to be do...
[3 replies] Last: thank you, framework (by ziodice)
control structures
can someone please help; its telling me that case 2 not within a switch case? how do i keep count of the code the user selected for example how many students ...
[1 reply] : Actually it's an easy problem to solve! You need to include any actio... (by Tytrin)
control structures
can someone please help; its telling me that case 2 not within a switch case? how do i keep count of the code the user selected for example how many students ...
[3 replies] Last: Omitting the braces that surround the case s of a switch statement ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Take A Look....and Help
operator overolad. The code below does not print the right fractions output, I am sure the mistake is on the CFraction (double) I am looking to add ...
[2 replies] Last: Can i call a void reduce() inside CFraction::CFraction And yea i did ... (by detroit)
Parameters and Functions
Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could clarify the purpose of parameters . Why are they convenient to use? I have an assignment for my compute...
[2 replies] Last: Parameters of functions are used so functions can do multiple things, ... (by jalfor)
C++ & the web. Oh gosh.
So this has been bugging me for a while now. Can you put c++ apps onto the world wide web? I heard that web browsers cannot run .exes, so how does all of those ...
[4 replies] Last: Just to add on, Flash (made by Adobe) is just another platform for ... (by DavidScript)
Variables not storing properly
I am writing a function to passively load a map file into a vector and also display the percentage of completion. For some reason the MapProgress variable whic...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!!! i did not know that was a i know. (by Calahil)
C++ Pass by reference/value.....???
Hi, I have an assignment where I have to have the user input 2 values, x and y, switch the two values, then raise x to the y power. I have to use pass by valu...
[2 replies] Last: @ Julianne: You are passing by reference with the use of the '&' in fr... (by Cuddlebuddie928)
Priority Queue Project
Given the following structure, private members, and message functions: struct Node // Linked priority queue node structure { Message data; // Field for ...
[no replies]
error 3861 identifier not found
I'm making a programe to get perfect number. and these are the code and i got the error message "error 3861 identifier not found" Please help #include...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys It was really helpful!!! (by wndtjr2)
by aasaa
hey, can you tell me when there is need to write assembly inside my C++ Code? any examples, references and guides can be helpful. can we write in java asse...
[2 replies] Last: "Never" comes to mind. (by moorecm)
help pleaseeeeeee help (1,2)
Assistant urgent I want to work program language c + + so that it enters the user what he wants of the words, then the software will know how many times to re...
[26 replies] Last: Wtf, In Code::Blocks, you can enable compiler flags through the GUI. G... (by closed account zb0S216C)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 59
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