Beginners - October 2011 (Page 19)

by arooj
Two brief questions about asciis and selection structure in C++
so i made this halloween ascii displaying program for a school project, and i was wondering how i would get the ascii to display as it is written in the program...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, i fixed the caps/lowercase problem, now i just need to know ho... (by arooj)
Read numbers from a txt file and find the largest and smallest
Im trying to write a program that reads in a text file of random numbers and then finds the largest and smallest numbers in the file. This is what I have. #in...
[1 reply] : First of all I would have: if( { cout << "Input file ... (by BReynolds)
For Loop Conditions
I have a bit of code that was written by someone else and I have never seen a for loop with a condition like this: #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Bitmap.h" ...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, So <=0 is false and >=1 is true. Not quite. Zero is false,... (by Moschops)
load image array from file
never mind i didnt relize there is nothing but noobs that are on this forum i actualy tought maybe there was peaple that could answere my question waist of time
[no replies]
2D array access violation
Hi, first time poster old time reader :) ... ok, i have a problem with this homework that is due tonight, i have finished it but can't seem to figure out why ...
[2 replies] Last: Moschops .... :) .. it worked :P ... I love you i cannot believe i... (by zellwwf)
need to know how many bytes are in a file
How do I find out how many bytes are remaining in a file and store that in a variable? Thanks
[1 reply] : See the example in (by hamsterman)
Big trouble~~~need assistance~~~~
Anyone know how too get the last 4 letter (abcd) by using this statement? now it only can take the first 4 letter (1234)... #include <stdio.h> #include <st...
[6 replies] Last: thank you very much! (by lanceTCT)
by Hasun
bubble sort program help
Hi, i am new to C++ programming. This is not my major subjects but, i need help. My professor gave me a program that is so hard for me to solve it. Can you ple...
[2 replies] Last: Have you searched for information on a Bubble sort on the web. There ... (by Azagaros)
Book help
Can someone suggest me some book that is oriented only for intermediate level. I finished basic... I need intermediate now...please...
[1 reply] : There are lots of books out there. You'll have to be specific on what ... (by ciphermagi)
by Chathu
update Records in a text file
How to update records in a text file?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot :) :):) (by Chathu)
Im so new, I dont even know...
Hello! I'm a new programmer, looking to learn C++. I learned Basic language so as to become accustomed to the fundamentals of programing (like arrays, files, ...
[19 replies] Last: It's not all through tutorials. I have understanding of it through col... (by ciphermagi)
Differences between structs and classes
Please correct me if I'm wrong. struct objects can be used to store multiple data in a group. class objects are similar. They contain multiple dat...
[2 replies] Last: You've got it essentially correct. A private member means that it's no... (by mzimmers)
Union of Subsets
Greetings! I'm currently trying to write a program that will allow a user to enter two subsets [A and B] from a range of numbers provided [0-10] and calculat...
[2 replies] Last: else { answer = subsetB ; k++; answer = subs... (by ciphermagi)
Please Help
I am taking a programing class for school and I cannot figure out the error in this program: #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { int s, h; printf ("...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure how you're getting a segmentation error. I also don't see... (by mzimmers)
Arrays and Pointers
I have to write two versions of this function and use array subscripting and pointers and pointer arithmetic. int stringLength(const char* s); Determines ...
[6 replies] Last: lbgladson The code you posted (in your 2nd post) is nearly correct. Yo... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Counting letters in file
Hello. I am writing a program that reads text from a file and outputs to another file the letters together with their count. I also have to output the percentag...
[no replies]
Overuse of pointer
I have finished many C++ projects in my class and I have been using pointers for most of the storage, argument passing and returning. I find pointers are more ...
[1 reply] : Use a pointer (a smart pointer when transferring ownership of an objec... (by Athar)
Arrays with functions.
I'm attempting to put an array of chars into a function with a default value with this: char * Name = "Millennium Munch" as one of the arguments; I'm g...
[2 replies] Last: O.K, thanks! (by Ben Duncan)
I need help!
I am trying to generate a table of conversions from Celsius to Rankin and allows the user to enter the starting temperature and increment between lines. Print 2...
[8 replies] Last: @Aaron Why do you think the program disregards the users input.? the... (by whitenite1)
why clrscr is undefined in visual studio 2010?
i use the code below in visual studio 2010 but it doesn' define clrscr(); what should i do? #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> u...
[1 reply] : (by Duthomhas)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 59
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