Beginners - October 2010 (Page 15)

Lost of .exe file.
HI everyone! I was working on an homework with Visual C++ 2008, but at some time, the debuger stop to work properly and gave me the message that it couldn't...
[3 replies] Last: It could be a problem with a corrupted file. Try copying the code over... (by filipe)
by firix
static members problems
hi Define two classes, each with a s t a t i c member, so that the construction of each static member involves a reference to the other. Where might such const...
[1 reply] : You try first and show us what you got. And you certainly don't open f... (by filipe)
how can i change my output for lambda=2?? (1,2)
I need to change my output for lambda=2 for (int lambda = 2; lambda <= 3; ++lambda) { cout << "Lambda = " << lambda << endl; output<<" Lamb...
[20 replies] Last: Also, your for loop condition is wrong. (by Pax)
EzWindows program
Hello, i have just started learning C++ How to construct 3D graphics in EzWindows? Thankx in advance....
[2 replies] Last: yeh, i am new to programming, about a month. (by sancharsharma)
by speco
program failed
hi guys please i need your help. i wrote and compiled a program to input name and number. the program actually was made but am unable to input anything in the a...
[2 replies] Last: // directory #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstre... (by blackcoder41)
Another While loop or so I think
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int my_sum_less_than(int x) { int y, sum = 0; while( x <= y ) { sum = x + y; } } void te...
[3 replies] Last: I just figured out the first problem as well. You are not keeping a 'r... (by nickburress2k2)
Protected and inheritance
So now my derived class isn't accessing protected members of a base class. Or, perhaps more likely, I'm making a mistake. Here's some code. First the base cl...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks alot. (by Erdrigard)
Vectors and Templates
Can someone help me finish writing this code? Ive made it so that my_vector.cpp compiles. However, i need to complete my_vector.cpp using my_vector.h file. ...
[14 replies] Last: Well i just want someone to check my push_back and pop_back statements... (by swalton)
I dont get what I am supposed to do.
I got a project due and not sure what to do. I am supposed to write a c++ program that loads data stored i a JSON file, manipulates it and writes a new JSON fil...
[1 reply] : Are you required to write your own json parser? (If you are, it isn't... (by Duthomhas)
by novzzz
How to have a text which is in highlight form
hello... does anyone know how to highlight the text in c++? i only use: textcolor and textbackground and i want my text in highlight form.. what wil...
[5 replies] Last: You need to set the background color to something other than black. Us... (by Duthomhas)
Half works same other half doesn't?
Thank you for looking. So the equation on if type == c are the same as else type == t however when a user inputs type c and there min the program still ch...
[no replies]
problems with my score
I am creating an I.Q. quiz with 6 questions after you get one right, it adds one poinbt to your score, how do i make it add one point when you get one right and...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, sorry to bother you. I am a very big nooby. (by beavis811)
Pointer to array ?
The CPP Programming Lanuage chapter 5, exercies 3, use typedef to define pointer to arrays. Does pointer to array exist ? I tried typedef (char *pchar_a...
[3 replies] Last: #include <vector> using namespace std; int a ; // C array: chu... (by kfmfe04)
Palindrom Function
A Plaindrome is a work, number or sentence that can be read the same from Left-Right and Right-Left Numerical: 36763 Word: civic Sentence: Fall Leaves When L...
[1 reply] : ASCII characters are represented by numbers. Look up an ascii chart t... (by ericeps)
What's the difference?
non-event driven functions event driven functions?
[1 reply] : Event-driven implies some sort of event determining the flow of the pr... (by closed account 1yvXoG1T)
by Karami
class interaction design
Lets say i have something like this coded class Normal_Mode; class Fast_Mode; class File_Control; //handles all operations with reading/writing in file c...
[no replies]
What's the difference?
call-by-value parameters call-by-reference parameters
[4 replies] Last: (by jsmith)
Reference Instantiation/Scope
Good Evening, A quick question if I may... If a method is declared and implemented as below: static foo& foo::bar() const { return new foo(); }...
[1 reply] : Every new needs a delete. (by Athar)
How to run programs through command prompt?
Hi guys I've been using Dev-Cpp before and then recently Code::Blocks i just wanna know how do I run programs through Command Prompt I've Googled this but I sti...
[1 reply] : When you compile it builds an exe file. Open the cmd prompt, navigate... (by jleach)
by firix
static member
hi Define two classes, each with a s t a t i c member, so that the construction of each static member involves a reference to the other. Where might such const...
[no replies]
October 2010 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 42
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