by Shane
Are there any variable types that can hold infinite digits?
[2 replies] Last: jsmith is right, but I was trying to come up with another solution. As... (by joshky)
by Subcidal
Default case not working
[3 replies] Last: No problem. (by firedraco)
by joshky
Large Data File Access
[4 replies] Last: If you write it at the end, how will you know where it starts? Duh,... (by joshky)
by baross
Counting Issue_ need program to count, format and enter data.
[1 reply] : Please use [co de] tags and ask something more specific http://www.... (by Bazzy)
by Garbeld
howto multiply, ignore whitespace on cin
[5 replies] Last: You forgot function parentheses after cin.ignore And pdat is a chara... (by Bazzy)
by tizzle717
Random-access: What's wrong with this?
[4 replies] Last: It does not seem that the size of the file is an issue, it seems that ... (by tizzle717)
by bulldawg5808
keeping a variable in between two numbers
[6 replies] Last: You should probably look in the tutorial section of this site first; i... (by Zhuge)
by bunsella
partial strings
[4 replies] Last: Actually I think you want std::string new_str = str.sub_str(str.begi... (by Zhuge)
by zsukal
How to get count line in file and reset position.
[no replies]
by DKB
[16 replies] Last: sweet, a huge thanks to everyone who helped. Ya'll are awesome. (by DKB)
climits error |
[1 reply] : (by helios)
by Xianto
Problem with Hex and Char
[1 reply] : char* -- ie, C-style strings-- are by definition ASCIIZ (\0) terminate... (by jsmith)
by pancakespat
whats wrong with my program
[4 replies] Last: What is your OS, crappy vista might not let you access the root. Try p... (by turbozedd)