Beginners - November 2020 (Page 9)

Variable to parameter
Okay, I posted a very similar code block a few days ago and got some good responses, but still can't quite understand the logic of going from a variable and the...
[1 reply] : See this: (by coder777)
product of numbers of an array
hi, the guestion says "find the product of the numbers which are placed above the main diagonal and below the secondary diagonal AT THE SAME TIME." (i think it'...
[8 replies] Last: @jonnin thank you a lot, much appreciated :) (by laura fidarova)
Equation won't solve. Please help!!!
Hi. I am working on my final project for class and I'm having trouble with the equation. For some reason, my numbers will not calculate correctly when entered. ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks. I really appreciate your response. It helped a lot. (by Dawson82)
modifying this code to search an stringArray
Using C-String and String Classes this needs to be done using the C-String Class. •make a program called PROGRAM_1.CPP that has an array of 11 string...
[2 replies] Last: I got the first progam running using #include <string> #include <str... (by Leonardo797)
Conditional logic ...comparison? How does this work?
Ok, so I got a question during an exam the other day, and I got it wrong, but I just don't get why. at all. They gave us three conditional statements: A...
[2 replies] Last: So basically just always make truth tables? Ok, that was surprisingly ... (by highwayman)
by jonnin
RLE Alogrithm with Integers
looks like you got an easy one if this is the final. I see it says array, not vector, but you said final assignment, is that for any kind of reason? Also, d...
[1 reply] : Well, go for it, and when you get stuck, ask a question and someone wi... (by jonnin)
convert array numbers from binary to octal
given an array that's formed from binary numbers, create a new array by converting the binary numbers of the first to octal i don't understand how to put every...
[7 replies] Last: thank you lots!! much appreciated:) (by laura fidarova)
How can I change my code?
I have problem error E0513, C2297, C2040 are constantly output. What shall I do? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <locale.h> #include ...
[4 replies] Last: This will give an int sum & average for each row: #include <random>... (by seeplus)
Matrix transposition
Hello, I need to make a code for two transposition matrices, and then they are counted according to the task in the picture. How can I do that? I just don't und...
[12 replies] Last: We have no idea what the requirements of your actual assignment are. T... (by Ganado)
by Mif
Exporting C Functions for Use in C
Hello.. I have crate a new project that is a Dynamic Link Library here are my .c and .h files look like: main.c // test4.c #ifndef __MAIN_c__ #define __MAIN_...
[2 replies] Last: Dohh... @!@.. I really need to take a brake.. That looks like lack of ... (by Mif)
change the numbers in arrays
there are two arrays, change the numbers of the second array which are already in the first to 0 i have the code but in only works if the numbers are in the ...
[6 replies] Last: @seeplus thank you so much! :D (by laura fidarova)
copy problem using std::filesystem::copy()
I'm trying to copy files and interior directory's using std::filesystem::copy(), But unfortunately he copy's only the files which inside the fromString path dir...
[2 replies] Last: std::filesystem::copy(fromString, toString,std::filesystem::copy_op... (by ronenp88)
How to make variable vertically?
So how can I make the variable a vertically? The thing is that the variable won't get vertically, here's the example code I'm using: #include <iostream>...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for late reply. Thank you very much everyone, I appreciate it. (by siabapet)
2D Array function matching 3 characters
I'm working on an assignment that is asking to take a 3X10 2D array and determine if there are three matching ('T') characters either vertically, and/or diagona...
[3 replies] Last: Hello roundtwo, I did consider using 1 for loop to check everything a... (by Handy Andy)
The System Cannot Find the File Specified Visual Studio 2019
First time posting so apologies for any mistakes. I am following a tutorial as part of a school assignment (before anyone jumps on me for that, we are require...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you to all of you that have responded so far. I will try some of... (by N11 Ordo Skirata)
by fifios
How to round a number 3 significant figures in C++
My goal is very simple I just want to round a number by 3 significant figures for example if the user inputs: 655900 433.72 rounding it to 3 signif...
[4 replies] Last: It's not worth doing it "manually" using <cmath>'s round() function. I... (by dutch)
stack memory
Hello I am trying to learn about stack memory, and have come across a page that I am struggling slightly with that I was hoping someone might be able to clear u...
[5 replies] Last: All instructions have their own memory address More or less. There a... (by Computergeek01)
by lychee
How to read this format of integers from file
I am doing a prim algorithm minimum spanning tree int arr ; ifstream is("data.txt"); int cnt= 0; int x; while (cnt < arr && is >> x) ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you everyone!! (by lychee)
Writing a value-returning function.
Hello, coders. I have another puzzling code for ya (could be simple). Here I have an almost complete program. The issue I have is appointing: "G is a vowel: 0...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you coders, everything is working great! (by Frank5093)
by Mif
Ho to create one single dll file for entire project in 'C'
I have a project with multiple .c files and one resource.h. Now my main.c looks like this: ///** INDEX_CENTER **/// //-------------------// // ** HEADERS...
[5 replies] Last: I can use multiple dll as well in my application to complicate less w... (by Mif)
November 2020 Pages: 1... 7891011... 14
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