by runningbear
Variable to parameter
[1 reply] : See this: (by coder777)
product of numbers of an array |
[8 replies] Last: @jonnin thank you a lot, much appreciated :) (by laura fidarova)
by Dawson82
Equation won't solve. Please help!!!
[6 replies] Last: Thanks. I really appreciate your response. It helped a lot. (by Dawson82)
by Leonardo797
modifying this code to search an stringArray
[2 replies] Last: I got the first progam running using #include <string> #include <str... (by Leonardo797)
by highwayman
Conditional logic ...comparison? How does this work?
[2 replies] Last: So basically just always make truth tables? Ok, that was surprisingly ... (by highwayman)
by jonnin
RLE Alogrithm with Integers
[1 reply] : Well, go for it, and when you get stuck, ask a question and someone wi... (by jonnin)
convert array numbers from binary to octal |
[7 replies] Last: thank you lots!! much appreciated:) (by laura fidarova)
by chebyrek
How can I change my code?
[4 replies] Last: This will give an int sum & average for each row: #include <random>... (by seeplus)
by Obeliks2
Matrix transposition
[12 replies] Last: We have no idea what the requirements of your actual assignment are. T... (by Ganado)
by Mif
Exporting C Functions for Use in C
[2 replies] Last: Dohh... @!@.. I really need to take a brake.. That looks like lack of ... (by Mif)
change the numbers in arrays |
[6 replies] Last: @seeplus thank you so much! :D (by laura fidarova)
by ronenp88
copy problem using std::filesystem::copy()
[2 replies] Last: std::filesystem::copy(fromString, toString,std::filesystem::copy_op... (by ronenp88)
by siabapet
How to make variable vertically?
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for late reply. Thank you very much everyone, I appreciate it. (by siabapet)
by roundtwo
2D Array function matching 3 characters
[3 replies] Last: Hello roundtwo, I did consider using 1 for loop to check everything a... (by Handy Andy)
The System Cannot Find the File Specified Visual Studio 2019 |
[9 replies] Last: Thank you to all of you that have responded so far. I will try some of... (by N11 Ordo Skirata)
by fifios
How to round a number 3 significant figures in C++
[4 replies] Last: It's not worth doing it "manually" using <cmath>'s round() function. I... (by dutch)
by DonnaPin
stack memory
[5 replies] Last: All instructions have their own memory address More or less. There a... (by Computergeek01)
by lychee
How to read this format of integers from file
[9 replies] Last: Thank you everyone!! (by lychee)
by Frank5093
Writing a value-returning function.
[6 replies] Last: Thank you coders, everything is working great! (by Frank5093)
by Mif
Ho to create one single dll file for entire project in 'C'
[5 replies] Last: I can use multiple dll as well in my application to complicate less w... (by Mif)