Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature |
[9 replies] Last: a little over my head... haven't ever tried to do this, but .. you co... (by AbdelrahmanSaid)
by volodstaimi
help with this question
[6 replies] Last: > Note: You cannot use arrays to store the matrix information. Instruc... (by salem c)
by cnplusplus
string.h - How can I delete a string?
[5 replies] Last: the simplest way to delete a file is to borrow the operating system. ... (by jonnin)
by ga3199
making an arrow
[8 replies] Last: Reminds me of seeing this some time ago: (by againtry)
by siabapet
How to Calculate Grams to Ounce and Pounds
[4 replies] Last: Hello siabapet, I would start with salem c's suggestion of working ... (by Handy Andy)
by liam401
Function display issues
[5 replies] Last: it adds both functions together ch_cnt needs to be set to 0 at the... (by seeplus)
by MattlttaM
Program isn't infile-ing the my infile.
[3 replies] Last: Don't worry, it's a mistake a lot of people make, especially when usin... (by Ganado)
is this bad practice? |
[8 replies] Last: I am not sure what the point of summing a partially filled board is? Y... (by TheIdeasMan)
by marystew
Undefined reference error: id returned 1 exit status
[3 replies] Last: Oh, I get it now. You aren't putting ClassName:: before the member fu... (by Ganado)
by DonnaPin
returning vector indices
[12 replies] Last: Hi, thanks again for all the replies. Some of the stuff I have not cov... (by DonnaPin)
by noahk81
How to split a string into a pre determined amount of parts
[1 reply] : If you are able to directly extract user input, you can simply use get... (by Ganado)
by seghrein2300
ctypea program (1,2,3)
[56 replies] Last: Hey guys, I'm sorry I have not posted the clue here but it is said and... (by seghrein2300)
by rovert456
Help with understanding class
[4 replies] Last: Thank you jonnin, I wasn't sure if that's what I was meant to to or no... (by rovert456)
by marystew
Initiating and printing dynamic 2D array of characters
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespa... (by lastchance)
by liam401
Opening a txt file within a function
[4 replies] Last: Without a function: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include... (by seeplus)
by allisonOs
C++ Reading Records from Disc File, Sorting, and Finding the Average
[9 replies] Last: @allisonOs See my previous post! (by seeplus)
by Leonardo797
counting words
[3 replies] Last: As the first post is C++, this can be easily done in C++. If you extra... (by seeplus)
by Leonardo797
storing data on a .dat file
[5 replies] Last: Note changes to the function definitions: #include <iostream> #incl... (by seeplus)
by kidd2100
Trouble shooting Nested Loops and statements
[7 replies] Last: Hello kidd2100, You are welcome. Glad it helped. Andy (by Handy Andy)
by howardcheng
array + struct: extra curly brackets required for initialization?
[11 replies] Last: Actually, my advice would be to use a vector - it's more flexible. (by lastchance)