by JamesHelp
_Right_datqa was nullptr error
[3 replies] Last: THANK YOU!!!!!! (by JamesHelp)
by John3682
make it shorter
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stack> using namespac... (by lastchance)
find the sum of infinite series |
[4 replies] Last: @lastchance thank you lots! yeah, the first term is definitely 1/x, th... (by laura fidarova)
by izlezotfilma
Area of overlapping rectangles
[7 replies] Last: left=max(bottomLeftX1, bottomLeftX2); right=min(upperRightX1, upperRi... (by lastchance)
by eagerissac
Adding to array of pointers causes segmentation fault
[2 replies] Last: Do you perhaps mean something like getId() instead of getNextId() ? ... (by dutch)
by DevonMeep
Spaces placed in output
[4 replies] Last: Hello DevonMeep, I will make 2 points. while (counter <= n) // <-... (by Handy Andy)
by runningbear
Switch Statements over different functions.
[5 replies] Last: Hello runningbear, Before I forget. The "mainMenu" lists the choices... (by Handy Andy)
by mathman54
Disappointed (1,2,3)
[55 replies] Last: mathman, (1) You don't need to use static linking (2) The only signifi... (by Ganado)
by MrNewbie
const char** is incompatible with parameter of type const char*
[3 replies] Last: if (deck == card) { conf = face ; } conf has only... (by seeplus)
by WakelessFoil
Array and inFile problem
[3 replies] Last: You don't need the array or 2 loops. The sum and finding the max value... (by seeplus)
by Kevin211
How can I remove these #define's from the code and change them to something better?
[4 replies] Last: I agree that macros can be the devil incarnate. However, my advice as ... (by seeplus)
Need for code explanation |
[2 replies] Last: while (cin.get() != '\n'); is often replaced with: std::cin.ig... (by seeplus)
by agnt1831
Integrate - this may be an intermediate question
[9 replies] Last: You would do far better to transform the integral to avoid the singula... (by lastchance)
Call function from another class |
[1 reply] : You actuall need to pass the pointer of the MainPage to the Setting... (by coder777)
by LmaverickD
Finding new problem, error: expression did not evaluate to constant
[17 replies] Last: I changed the variable names to more meaningful names and have managed... (by againtry)
by AnMTGDude
For loops
[11 replies] Last: Thanks Andy! Will do! (by AnMTGDude)
by Rbuen4455
gtkmm ToggleButton help
[1 reply] : It looks like it's not the way to bind paramters. See: https://wiki.i... (by coder777)
by maulk
How would I put this together in a main function?
[6 replies] Last: Yeah, they've done it on other threads, so I thought I'd make sure the... (by MikeyBoy)
by alexexcl
C Programming - File io parsing strings using sscanff
[3 replies] Last: Once you have sorted out parsing the arguments, then a possible way to... (by seeplus)
by Shruthi LS
Cpp for loop
[3 replies] Last: I would suggest using std::find (by Norm Gunderson)