by sgmann01
Convert Program to use pointer arithmetic?
[5 replies] Last: Consider (not tried): #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include... (by seeplus)
by victorio
Load cell +Hx711 +Arduino UNO
[3 replies] Last: Averaging, range, filtering the readings, calibration and the environm... (by againtry)
by grooviqw
I have problems understanding loops
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by grooviqw)
by blurose
Assistance needed-- I can't figure out how to start
[2 replies] Last: > I've watched many youtube videos on how to do so, but many of them a... (by salem c)
by briancb2004
Multiply 2 array
[8 replies] Last: @briancb2004, all good and take your time. The tutorials on this site... (by againtry)
by allisonOs
C++ Test Score Code Help With Sorting and Arrays
[14 replies] Last: Hello allisonOs, I agree that my code with the "temp" variable may be... (by Handy Andy)
by WakelessFoil
char inFile to Array
[10 replies] Last: And this is what that looks like: #include <iostream> #include <fstr... (by againtry)
by cloudwolf
Test scores average coming out incorrectly
[5 replies] Last: The -71582760.00 number is just the result of using uninitialized valu... (by Ganado)
by stefano77
clear EOF doesn't work
[4 replies] Last: Why you should not use exit() in main: (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Dawson82
Trying to create a program. Need help please.
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot. I'll start there. (by Dawson82)
Linker error 1104: can't open file wxbase31ud.lib |
[8 replies] Last: I just looked at the directories again and I realized that I was reall... (by programmeruser)
by Volapiik
c++ producer-consumer problem
[3 replies] Last: It really boils down to whether you want to force each thread to wait ... (by salem c)
by Chad9
Convert into c++
[5 replies] Last: Thank you guys (by Chad9)
by DonnaPin
Question about a certain book - wrong place to ask?
[4 replies] Last: Hi, thanks for all the feedback, firstly I will definitely look into g... (by DonnaPin)
by soulworld05
passable? (1,2)
[39 replies] Last: This is simple: #include <iostream> int main() { const double g {... (by seeplus)
by eagerissac
C++ - printing head and tail of linked list
[1 reply] : cout << "HEAD: \n" << head << endl; //prints memory address? Why... (by seeplus)
by Leonardo797
Modifying and changing libraries
[4 replies] Last: For 1) #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <memory> usi... (by seeplus)
by Mif
How to print the penultimate integer ? "C"
[6 replies] Last: Ohh.. thank you seeplus that helped me alot. I adapted to my code ... (by Mif)
by LmaverickD
Find max valuable item val from multiple items, algorithm
[11 replies] Last: @LmaverickD, Be careful with it though. It runs and gives the right an... (by againtry)
by MaxGreen
[6 replies] Last: thank you guys, i used a char name , ex. 'a' after the 9-th menu opti... (by MaxGreen)