BlockOut2 to an online editer/compiler? |
[13 replies] Last: Hello. I need help to set up this open source code , on Visual Studio... (by jlivingstonsg)
by Alex12361
Is there a limit of array size?
[6 replies] Last: some compilers also have flags to make the stack size larger. It still... (by jonnin)
by Enrike
make files and linking: empty objs
[1 reply] : Bump. (by Handy Andy)
by Borneq
How use/store lambdas?
[3 replies] Last: Re lambdas, see (by seeplus)
by hakmaabdul
ADT and Linked List implementation using C++
[2 replies] Last: Apart from syntax issues, the first main issue is: void push_quiz(S... (by seeplus)
by ronnn
C Programming - Mutex Ignored?
[1 reply] : I'm not sure what you are trying to do there, but take a closer look a... (by coder777)
by kingdom
the console/cmd has no response
[7 replies] Last: Hello seeplus, thank you,too. You and Andy let me learn a lot. king... (by kingdom)
by KittyIchigo1
Trying to find the difference between two vectors
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that was it! Thank you so much. (by KittyIchigo1)
by Scorpia
C++ try/catch/throw
[11 replies] Last: If you want to use try/catch, note that the try/catch argument can be ... (by seeplus)
by ArtigoOne
Editing a big file in C++
[4 replies] Last: I found the solution, opening file with: std::ofstream f{ _fname, s... (by ArtigoOne)
by Scorpia
C++ main and sub programs
[2 replies] Last: I understand, i will explain better next time. This problem solved. :)... (by Scorpia)
by seghrein2300
half dia pattern c++ reverse
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { size_t col {};... (by seeplus)
by KittyIchigo1
Trying to remove certain parts of the line, but I keep getting errors
[3 replies] Last: Hello KittyIchigo1, You could try this: while (getline(infile, data... (by Handy Andy)
by chipp
-nan(ind) error message
[2 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]std::cout << calc(atof(argv ), (char)argv , atof(argv ... (by chipp)
by ldrgrim
2d array and stack
[4 replies] Last: A stack is a 1D container, so what is the advantage of transferring yo... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Frank5093
Pig Latin Strings
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone, everything is working great! (by Frank5093)
by PCD
Given an integer, disclude a digit to get the maximum value of the difference.
[1 reply] : For an n-digit number, you only have n possibilities of which digit be... (by Ganado)
by yvez
Random array picker not working the way I wanted, send help
[4 replies] Last: It is solved now, thanks to Handy Andy now I know I need to seed the r... (by yvez)
by KittyIchigo1
How to skip over a few words to reach the last part of a string line?
[3 replies] Last: bool readData(List& L) { ifstream fin ("dadexcel.txt"); if (fin.i... (by seeplus)
by DonnaPin
Error with vector and calling function
[11 replies] Last: bool checkLegalUnits(std::string unit, std::vector<string> legalUnit... (by seeplus)