Beginners - November 2020

BlockOut2 to an online editer/compiler?
-- Hi. Can this open source BlockOut2 code, be set up in an online editor/compiler?
[13 replies] Last: Hello. I need help to set up this open source code , on Visual Studio... (by jlivingstonsg)
Is there a limit of array size?
Write your question here. This sample of code works fine. int main() { const int m = 10000000; int n = 10; int arr ; return 0; } ...
[6 replies] Last: some compilers also have flags to make the stack size larger. It still... (by jonnin)
by Enrike
make files and linking: empty objs
Hello there! I'm writting a make file to create a static lib.a then an upper level make file links together all the static libs. The project is structured in se...
[1 reply] : Bump. (by Handy Andy)
by Borneq
How use/store lambdas?
Is many examples how to pass lambda to standards methods like std::sort: #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> void abssort(float*...
[3 replies] Last: Re lambdas, see (by seeplus)
ADT and Linked List implementation using C++
hey, can someone help me with add a code on show all the carrymarks and show the highest carrymarks. and also, it got lots of error on it. #include <fstrea...
[2 replies] Last: Apart from syntax issues, the first main issue is: void push_quiz(S... (by seeplus)
by ronnn
C Programming - Mutex Ignored?
Hey all! This program I have been working on is supposed to spit out a 16-bit circuit checker over multiple threads. However, whenever I run the program it only...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure what you are trying to do there, but take a closer look a... (by coder777)
the console/cmd has no response
Hi,i am a beginner to C++ and have just written a program to get the lowest common multiple. It worked all right but the console/cmd has no response if you inpu...
[7 replies] Last: Hello seeplus, thank you,too. You and Andy let me learn a lot. king... (by kingdom)
Trying to find the difference between two vectors
What I'm attempting to do is to get two files, the 'raw data' txt file and the 'excel' txt file. I'm trying to compare all the unique IDs from the raw data fi...
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that was it! Thank you so much. (by KittyIchigo1)
C++ try/catch/throw
Hi, I have tried to understand try/catch/throw principle but right now i think i need someone to twist the iron wire with me. Here is the code: start: ...
[11 replies] Last: If you want to use try/catch, note that the try/catch argument can be ... (by seeplus)
Editing a big file in C++
I would like to know if there is a simple way to edit a binary file without rewriting it all or loading it in memory. For example if I want to modify from by...
[4 replies] Last: I found the solution, opening file with: std::ofstream f{ _fname, s... (by ArtigoOne)
C++ main and sub programs
Hi, My problem is that the data requested in the main program is not passed correctly to the sub program where the data is printed. The whole code is one bi...
[2 replies] Last: I understand, i will explain better next time. This problem solved. :)... (by Scorpia)
half dia pattern c++ reverse
How can I like reverse this pattern? to look like this? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int trev...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { size_t col {};... (by seeplus)
Trying to remove certain parts of the line, but I keep getting errors
I have a file that contains lines that look like this: uniquemember: uid=vojk,ou=people,dc=cms,dc=gov uniquemember: uid=p2o9,ou=people,dc=cms,dc=gov etc. ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello KittyIchigo1, You could try this: while (getline(infile, data... (by Handy Andy)
by chipp
-nan(ind) error message
i was just trynna make a test prog that accepts parameters from main() , but when i run the prog, test with below input: test_cpp calc 4 * 3 it display err...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]std::cout << calc(atof(argv ), (char)argv , atof(argv ... (by chipp)
2d array and stack
Hello. I just need some advice/tips/helps . I wanna create an 2d array (in servedCustomers fuction) that will store the value of stack(customerServed)and prin...
[4 replies] Last: A stack is a 1D container, so what is the advantage of transferring yo... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Pig Latin Strings
Hi coders. hope you're having a safe thanksgiving everyone. I got another good one. Here is my code so far (down below). It's having an issue with "searching yo...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone, everything is working great! (by Frank5093)
by PCD
Given an integer, disclude a digit to get the maximum value of the difference.
Problem. Given an integer, disclude a digit to get the maximum value of the difference. eg. input/output 12345/1234 12398/1238 Hi, from input, I solved outp...
[1 reply] : For an n-digit number, you only have n possibilities of which digit be... (by Ganado)
by yvez
Random array picker not working the way I wanted, send help
I made a "Guess the secret word game" in a do-while loop but every time you try again the secret word changes. It worked but, My problem is that every time I st...
[4 replies] Last: It is solved now, thanks to Handy Andy now I know I need to seed the r... (by yvez)
How to skip over a few words to reach the last part of a string line?
Hello! Thank you in advance. I'm a bit stuck right now - I have a file that reads like this: b23p James Bond 2/19/17 5/20/20 5/21/20 11/27/20 FALSE Ad...
[3 replies] Last: bool readData(List& L) { ifstream fin ("dadexcel.txt"); if (fin.i... (by seeplus)
Error with vector and calling function
Hello, I am trying to complete a problem from the programming principles and practice book, in which i need to accept different numbers and different unit measu...
[11 replies] Last: bool checkLegalUnits(std::string unit, std::vector<string> legalUnit... (by seeplus)
November 2020 Pages: 123... 14
  Archived months: [oct2020] [dec2020]

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