Beginners - November 2015 (Page 44)

by Muney
Problems with Functions
I've been working on this problem: The program looks like it works, but "score" always outputs "3.08532e+61"...
[2 replies] Last: I've messed up with the variables, haha. I fixed them, but now "score"... (by Muney)
finding the maximum number
when i run this code and enter 5 5 5. why doesnt the code give any maximum number in this code? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much sasuke (by ripon 123)
Need Help! Can't get the right percentages
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; void ball_drawings() { int draw, even(0), seven(0), one_two_three(...
[1 reply] : The numbers that you are displaying, and the numbers that you are calc... (by cire)
by h4ever
release accelerator from memory while program still running
Is it possible to release accelerator (e.g. PrintScreen) when program is still running? Like when Fatal Error occurs and you want to create PrintScreen of the...
[no replies]
catching segmentation faults?
Hi, so I was writing a linked list that stores a character in each node and links them all together to write strings. What I was testing for in the main that I ...
[6 replies] Last: wouldnt that just abort my main? It will if you don't catch said exc... (by cire)
by Marth
The Spaces Between Us. Existentialism vs. Array Display Manipulations
Get your bodies ready; this is a seating chart, user chooses how many rows and columns there are, then they are displayed. Two questions: 1) if you input 10...
[4 replies] Last: You are welcome! (by Kevin C)
Can't understand
" Write a program that prompt the user to insert five integers and prints the largest integer and the smallest integer in the group. " I'm pretty sure I have to...
[2 replies] Last: Once again, thank you @Kevin C (by mohusam)
Difficult question
" Write a program that reads two integer numbers and determine if the first number is a multiple of the second or vise versa. " yeah, can't figure out what to d...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @Kevin C, that's what I was missing on :) (by mohusam)
by Marth
Function to return two variables? BAH GAWD MAN!
so I want to try to keep alot of my work in functions, like some C++ sage told me to do, but I keep running into tiny problems, observe: //// THIS ...
[7 replies] Last: Ok got it, thanks guys; I had spelled the function wrong which is wh... (by Marth)
Identifier not found
Write your question here. #include <iostream> Using namespace std; int main() { int height; int base; cin>> base >> height; cout <<"the area is...
[7 replies] Last: I actually typed this in the back of a bus... Getting a little Car si... (by Kevin C)
Diamond and Triangle
I've written this program already, but was wondering how I would alter it to make a Triangle and Diamond shape that are't just half of the object? #includ...
[no replies]
Sort array alphabetically
I need to grab the stuff out of the input file store it in the array and then sort it alphabetically. // CandyStore 11/06/2015 //This project will put name s...
[no replies]
Need help with textRPG
Ok so I am trying to make an rpg that has set commands and depending on what they type they get a certain response. I can make it so it looks for a single word ...
[5 replies] Last: It's best to keep to one thread. It avoids confusion. I don't reall... (by AbstractionAnon)
by chops
help reading error
So, this my last assignment, and i am writing a file (numbers.text) into an array and then processing the sum, highest num, lowest num. i really need a hint as ...
[5 replies] Last: You're most welcome, Todd! PM me if you want more help! Good luck! (by koothkeeper)
Why static arrays can't be passed by value but vectors can?
As far as I know, C++ doesn't allow static arrays being passed by value, since you don't even need to add the & in the parameter list to end up (internally) wit...
[7 replies] Last: The correct syntax is vector<typeA> &parameterVector > Note one can... (by ne555)
Get input file from string
For this assignment I need to get the input file from one ifstream and create another ifstream with the input file name being contained in the first ifstream fi...
[no replies]
Can a linked list have two pointers, head and tail?
I am not sure if its OK to ask a data structure question in this forum but i am asking anyway as i have no other option. I am asking this question from the ...
[4 replies] Last: O.K. Thanks. (by saherch)
I need help with functions
I`m a first year programmer and I don`t understand functions really well other than using void functions that don`t return a given value to its parameters. Im ...
[2 replies] Last: you can watch video tutorials of thenewboston form youtube for improvi... (by malik52)
by Dazzer
Classes & .h / .cpp files
Hi folks, After taking a couple of weeks away from C++ in order to move house, i'm back with renewed vigour / curiosity! A question regarding the implementat...
[7 replies] Last: the tree that vs shows you in "Solution Explorer" of your files looks ... (by Jaybob66)
Is this how you calculate sine?
I've come here for confirmation. The question is in two parts, I've done the first part (calculate exponent) and I've attempted the second part (calculate sine)...
[4 replies] Last: The real quastion is: how to calculate the sine when you don't know th... (by Kevin C)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 4243444546... 53
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