Beginners - November 2015 (Page 43)

by wasz79
Introduction to Arrays
This is a homework assignment I have been stuck on. Any advise would be great! Write a program to calculate country’s average employment rate for age group...
[3 replies] Last: How many countries does your file contain? Did you run the program wi... (by jlb)
Need someone who is experienced in codeBlocks
I'm trying to write some review files for a midterm, and so i'm categorizing each topic on the exam in a project. So for example, my array project will only rel...
[no replies]
Counting Characters in a text file????
Hello, I am working on an assignment and the objective is: Your assignment is to read a file containing a DNA sequence and determine (1) the total number o...
[1 reply] : However I can't get it to results to output in the text file You cou... (by cire)
Writing my own strlen function
I am trying to write my own strlen fuction, and call it inside main. I feel so close, but I cannot figure out why I get an invalid conversion from 'char*' to 'c...
[6 replies] Last: There is no need for both c and i and no need to check for the emp... (by cire)
Opening Files
Hey guys, Im not sure what is wrong with this function. It is supposed to be opening the file, and displaying the list of colors in the file. I have commented i...
[6 replies] Last: Thank You! This was very helpful (by b29hockey)
Big powers using vectors
Hi, I am trying to write a program that would take a number (in this case 2) and raise it to some power (in this case 16) and store every digit separately in a ...
[9 replies] Last: It seems to me that the code will work now. And thanks for the thanks... (by Kevin C)
multiplication table
hi guys i am having problem to make multiplication table in format like this, can any one help ^^
[1 reply] : Read this: (by Kevin C)
by Arquon
How to prevent int becoming less than 0 in while loop ?
Hello, why cant I prevent 'l' from becoming less than 0 in while loop ? It still does one final loop while 'l' is still more than 0, which then turns it to 'l<0...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int weight = 7500 ; int day... (by JLBorges)
dynamic and automatic duration
Im practicing my skill in network programming using SFML. but ive got a c++ problem kicking me. std::vector<sf::TcpSocket*> socks; void func() { sf...
[3 replies] Last: can you tell me what happens to socket after line 10? Nothing. soc... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Elomi
Hi there, I need to assign for each element of an array by for loop but how can I do that? for example int X for (i=1; i=5; ++i) X =i
[4 replies] Last: You just need to put the index into the assignment statement. Some qui... (by dhayden)
Problem with array
Hi, I have implemented the function called " void split_sentences(void) ". Its output is array with 8 strings. I have the second function " void bubblesort(char...
[6 replies] Last: There's no need to mention it again. I noticed your remark. But I mark... (by nebula190)
How do you compare parts of a string with another string?
I've just begun programmimg and I am trying to do a Morse encrypting program but I don't know how to compare part of a string with another one(in this case a le...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks megatron 0 (by Sebhar2002)
Splitting strings
Hi, I have this code. There is a string with three sentences and I need to sort them (with dot '.' as separator) and store them somehow for later usage (bubble ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your reply! Your code works perfectly. (by nebula190)
Move inside of an array?
So far this sorta...ehh works haha. I mean not really but when I move down i can only move down once then the character reappears... Btw don't ask about the fac...
[1 reply] : Never mind again solved it :D! #include <iostream> #include <Windows... (by rabster)
Output value increased after decrementing?
Hello, I am new to this forum and I was wondering if I could get some assistance! I've come across a problem where the code I'm working with outputted a value...
[7 replies] Last: Bingo! This is definitive. :) (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
C++ Homework
My apologies for the post. I do appreciate the prompt response and answer but academic dishonesty is my primary concern. Please disregard this post.
[1 reply] : Read through this to learn all about pointers: (by Arslan7041)
by leo255
Merge Sort is not outputting correct numbers
Hello, The current code is outputting the wrong numbers (It is copying the first and last numbers, and skipping some in between). Wondering if you guys see w...
[3 replies] Last: Been busy with work. Thank you, dhayden!! (by leo255)
Network.. Again??
apperently the last time i asked this question, everyone ignored.. lets hope i won't get ignored this time. (NOTE, English isn't my native language, so expect ...
[4 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by pjcall
Single Elimination Tournament C++
I need to create a single elimination tournament from a list of restaurants held within a vector. I can't figure out how to work with one match at a time. Let's...
[no replies]
by Yiko
I want to create a password
I want to see how to create a password with these criteria, using these functions isdigit, isupper, islower, and etc. The password must be at least 6 character...
[2 replies] Last: Make sure the code looks clean and add on from here in this fashion. ... (by C0D3FR3AK)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 53
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