by Edward01
finding neighbors of a cell in 2d-array
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Edward01)
by Tom Brown
upper to lowercase
[1 reply] : char str = "respond"; (by DDomjosa)
by MadManAndrew
SIMPLE system tray icon
[1 reply] : Alas, it doesn't get any simpler than what you are finding online. The... (by Duthomhas)
by ohad
good month everyone
[6 replies] Last: debugging symbols (by mutexe)
by DDomjosa
ios::app 'ios' has not been declared error.
[5 replies] Last: Тобто std::ios::app, так, принаймні, компилює... (by Dmytro)
by dinaali
please help me
[1 reply] : I think you should read this first. (by Thomas1965)
by Dmytro
Your help me that would be Open Watcom understand and check it out th, learn be!
[no replies]
by maxyspark
How can I overload << and >> bitwise operator in c++?
[3 replies] Last: The primary (only) purpose of overloading an operator is enhanced rea... (by Kevin C)
by RandomGeek
How can I make a variable global from another source file
[2 replies] Last: In main.cpp, add (in a global scope, somewhere near the top of the fil... (by Kevin C)
by integralfx
How does this work?
[4 replies] Last: ...because conio.h is non-standard and doesn't always behave. Further... (by Duthomhas)
by Molly
moving a circle on a line
[14 replies] Last: @dhayden those numbers specify the range where the small circle shoul... (by dhayden)
by zaryabsaeed
Declaring an array inside a class
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! (by zaryabsaeed)
by bastri
Private? Protected? ...
[4 replies] Last: Solved. Thanks. (by bastri)
by rabster
Runtime two dimesional array?
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by RandomGeek
Uninitialized Local Variable
[1 reply] : it means you didnt initialize the warrior where it was declared as loc... (by xenoviaquarta)
by purplerain96
Does this program look right?
[7 replies] Last: read up more is my suggestion first off declaring your ints and float... (by anhlamgame)
by beginprogram
[2 replies] Last: 'Platforms?'. Yes, Linux, Windows and Mac OS on x86 processors can do ... (by Kevin C)
by tomtom61695
How to read in spaces
[no replies]
by williambj15
Area Problem
[2 replies] Last: so i didn't understand what should i do ?? (by williambj15)
by mike9407
[6 replies] Last: Ask Gabe Newell. (by xismn)