Beginners - November 2015 (Page 20)

Help with correct loop logic
I am having problems with my hangman program. I need to have the board displayed for each guess the player makes, if the answer is correct the board does not ch...
[no replies]
Hangman Program loop
the first part of the while loop is working it will display the " is in the word to guess." However when I enter an incorrect letter it does not display the " i...
[2 replies] Last: @rfallon You're welcome. I'm glad it helped. (by whitenite1)
Please Help
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double balance; double deposit; double withdrawl; double interest; doub...
[5 replies] Last: kevin, you made an error on line 8 of your example. you put parenthese... (by jasonwynn10)
Final Assignment Help
So basically there are 7 functions needed in my assignment. As not to make a huge paragraph at a time I am going to just list the first 2 steps I need help with...
[2 replies] Last: The dashes do not appear. They are out there so the numbers don't beco... (by DARK BUGABOO)
Digit permutations
Hi, I need to find all the permutions of some digits (or letters). This is my approach of finding all the permutations of the digits 0, 1, 2: #include <io...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, so I implemented your idea and it works for {0, 1, 2}: #include... (by DDomjosa)
by shome
trouble building static lib & using it
I built a static lib to call a matlab function from C++. when i try to use it i get many undefined referece errors. i had previously built a shared lib from t...
[no replies]
Article: How to Spot a Bad C++ Course/Book/Tutorial?
I would like to start a discussion on this article I wrote. Feel free to comment.
[3 replies] Last: @Cubbi I watched "Stop Teaching C", and I liked it (of course). About ... (by Kevin C)
While loop not updating User-Defined type object
Hello everybody, I'm new to programming and today I'm here because I need help with a simple exercise that I'm trying to solve. The exercise consists of various...
[1 reply] : Performing correct input is actually one of the most difficult things ... (by Duthomhas)
Loop not pausing for input
Ok, so I have searched through various posts on this topic about clearing the input buffer and such, but I can't seem to resolve this issue. My program takes ea...
[3 replies] Last: I didn't realize that we were using a part of a character array. That... (by Hirokachi)
I am trying to create a setter function for a reference variable
I have a 'Player' class with a reference variable to another class within it called Arena &arenaref, its initialised safley in the constructor of 'Player' The...
[1 reply] : Once you've bound a reference to an object, you can't change the bindi... (by MikeyBoy)
by Jyrz
Class has not been declared
I'm currently working on a small text game for a class and I've hit a bit of a bump. When i try to compile, I get an error saying that one of the classes has no...
[2 replies] Last: This article explains the problem, along with a lot of other useful in... (by Zhuge)
Could someone help explain For loops to me?
I have looked up the definition of a for loop on the internet, but I just got more confused, could someone help explain for loops to me with examples of how the...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you guys! (by RGB 455)
Array with random numbers and rotating it
Hi! :) I would much appreciate some help with my assignment for programming class. We have to populate a two dimensional NxN array with random numbers from ...
[6 replies] Last: OK. I've changed the code. Now I'm not using functions. I've got it to... (by hybrid87)
DEC to BIN converter
What is bad in this for cycle? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int rem; int num; int i; cout << "Type in decimal number"; ...
[3 replies] Last: num / 2 is doing a calculation, but there is not assignment so the val... (by tallyman)
Recursive function..
I am at moment trying create a function which take a node, and transverse through the adjacent . Such that if Root node A(0,0) has two adjacent nodes B(1,0) ...
[8 replies] Last: I tried to write it down on a piece of paper, and implement in code wh... (by DrJones)
Sizeof a class with different data types
I comment result of each class in main. but in my calculation it should be like those comment in front of each class name in class definition. Why results are d...
[1 reply] : Because the compiler provides padding for optimal alignment of members... (by AbstractionAnon)
very complicated. help?
Whenever I try to input the birthday in this form- october 10 17 1998, the word october will be lost same goes for the name and course. First words were omitted...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags to improve readability. The problem with your co... (by tallyman)
Program to sort the data in the text file with Firstname, Lastname, GPA and Major using vector of type Student object.
The Assignment: Create a class called Student. Student will have four instance variables: last name, first name, gpa, major. Implement constructors, access...
[3 replies] Last: You don't have to sort the text file, but the vector of students. How... (by Thomas1965)
Trouble using pointer arithmetic with character arrays
Write your question here. My program below is meant to delete repeat characters in an array by copying unique characters to a buffer array and then to a dynami...
[1 reply] : Do I understand it correctly that you only want the charaters that occ... (by Thomas1965)
Any help on ARRAYS... I am getting so many errors. I have checked and tried it all. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #inclu...
[5 replies] Last: You are most welcome. (by Thomas1965)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 53
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