Beginners - November 2015 (Page 15)

delay in c++ using stdio.h
how can I make it wrong using stdio.h instead of iostream #include <ctime> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> void wait(int wait_time); char var...
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by vwynn
Triangle Angle Project
Hey everyone, I'm pretty much finished this project except I keep running into one issue. The bool function seems to only work once. For example, if I input ...
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help with avl tree
i have a problem with find_imbalance_node. it did not show balance factor. it shows only data i don't know why first,i write it correctly and works correctly b...
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Calculator program does not perform the correct arithmetical operations
So I am close to finishing my program but one last thing that's bothering me is that it outputs the wrong answer if it involves negative numbers or decimals. I ...
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by scsi
Hi guys, I am wondering about c++ default constructor. Let's say I am trying to define a class, and letting default constructor to initialise it's value. The ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! (by scsi)
Trouble looping a segment of code
I am a novice at c++ and I am having trouble making a loop in my calculator. What I am attempting to do is once I ask for the two numbers they would be asked if...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, I finally added the feature and also thanks for t... (by TheTruePotatoDuck)
tic tac toe - not allowing position changes
ive been working on this tic tac toe game for one of my worksheets in university and im stuck. the game allows you to enter Row and Col, and if that position co...
[4 replies] Last: ah ok thanks :D i fixed it too, turns out ijust had to put "-1" in the... (by Darision)
writing data into the array
I am having trouble debugging this code so it reads two columns from the file and when the first column (Department is the same it just adds the second column t...
[6 replies] Last: yes that's what I needed!!! Thank you! (by uszy 123345)
How do we seperate digits by adding space between them?
If I type a number, the computer should display the number by giving space between between them. For example; if I type 56, the computer should print out 5 6...
[9 replies] Last: These kinds of homeworks aren't interested in your ability to play wit... (by Duthomhas)
by Dazzer
What is a "widget"?
I've seen the term "widget" several times in relation to C++ (specifically in Juce), could someone please outline for me what is meant by this term? Thanks!....
[3 replies] Last: Yes. In fact your understanding provided a better definition I think. (by Cody0023)
Iteration problem
I have a problem where I have 8 values needed to be worked out by iteration. The thing is each time you iterate you need to use the values you obtained last tim...
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Find a word in the text file
Hi Can I use strcmp() to check the word/sentence in the text file? If that word exist in the text, it prints the message. #include <iostream> #incl...
[6 replies] Last: thank you But I still have some questions about the use of strcmp()... (by kelvin26212)
Getting data from a file on a server
Hi. First time poster. Well, I am working on a homework assignment, where I am to print out, on screen, the longest word from list of words from a file on a...
[4 replies] Last: Okay. So, the initial program works. I want to add something else, i... (by ocramed)
Reading from a file
Hi, is there any way that I can read from a file until I encounter a \t character and then continue reading the same line, ignoring the character?
[2 replies] Last: This is a good solution but i would think that it would be better to j... (by Hirokachi)
Creating my own String class - getting error message
Im creating my own String class (as an assignment), but I've run into a problem. All the functions are working properly except for append(). Here is the cpp...
[9 replies] Last: A few other things to consider changing: Your assignment operator won... (by dhayden)
Two-D array delete/pointer error?
I'm unable to delete my 2-D runtime array for some odd reason? Whenever I try to apparently I get an invalid pointer error, and something about size error whene...
[3 replies] Last: It depends a bit on the application where you catch and handle an exce... (by Thomas1965)
How to Display numbers, in specified numbers only
How to make a Program to display even numbers, in User inputted numbers. Example: User inputted 3-20 (my program need to identify the even numbers in 3-20 and ...
[6 replies] Last: > This is just easier to visualize for the noobs Yes. Particularly b... (by JLBorges)
by DOTX91
Loopint with a switch statement
not long started c++ and i am looking at getting the user to enter the task they want to do, then the program asks is they have another task, and loops until th...
[1 reply] : Try a while loop that goes on as long as your cont variable isn't 2 (y... (by Shadowwolf)
main function
Rewrite main so that it tests all the numbers from 2 to 20 and prints out the results, each on a separate line. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
[12 replies] Last: If you have another question, then go ahead and post it. Though there ... (by Chervil)
stop flickering snake game
i have a snake game that i've been working on and i actually completed it and now i want to stop the flickering . i ve heard about a goto function but i couldn'...
[3 replies] Last: Well, you're literally giving us 0 information to go on. Your game is ... (by TarikNeaj)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 53
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