Beginners - November 2015 (Page 13)

overloading problem
I'm trying to print out a matrix using a pointer such that get the rows and cols with 0 numbers. Compiled but there is a run time crash. Note: I have to u...
[3 replies] Last: Rewrite your operator<<() to actually output m's parts rather than cal... (by Zhuge)
need help getting this simple code to work
my file is giving all correct numbers except # 6 and #7 i am short by 1 on both and i dont know why here is the instruction Construct program that will an...
[4 replies] Last: thanks! (by ernie0322)
by cang
Code is not reading in input file
[5 replies] Last: Those are commands to list the directory contents. If you're running W... (by jlb)
What did my friend do?
I am attempting to understand what a friend coded for me. I was supposed to get 3 int values and output them in order from lowest to highest. I got zero points ...
[5 replies] Last: @ Tallyman, thanks for the clarification about the OP's solution. (by chicofeo)
vector and array problems
Hello guys, i need some help with this. Do you know how can i print a variable from an objetc which is inside the vector: #include <iostream> #include...
[1 reply] : A vector uses the same semantics as an array. So if you want to acces... (by MikeyBoy)
by bastri
What is the role of “&” and “*” on operator overloading?
I have been reading about Overloading Operators. And I found two ways of using it. Like in 1) and 2). In 1) we use "&" on Pareja& and "*" on return *...
[1 reply] : The glib answer as that they play the same role here as they play anyw... (by MikeyBoy)
File to string to array
I was able to cout both files; however i am conflicted on the splitting of each string and how to place it into an array. Our professor hinted that we should us...
[5 replies] Last: I do think you will need two separate markers. At the moment you have ... (by Chervil)
by mulla
Write your question here. write a hotel billing application #include <iostream> using namespace std; class hotel { public: void rooms() {cout<<"...
[1 reply] : What is actually the question? (by Thomas1965)
convert word into Binary code
I need convert word into Binary code, however after converting, O change to 1 and 1 change to 0. I used bitset is main code to change. However it doesn't work. ...
[6 replies] Last: In the same requirement. If I use a waterpump program skeleton: i... (by dracula1012)
Need help getting this to program to execute (and work)
I am working on a program for one of my college classes. The exercise requires us to rewrite a program we did in an earlier chapter but using user-defined func...
[3 replies] Last: Fixing the errors and warnings in your code would go a long way to get... (by jlb)
Help with registry startup key code
I am trying to set a run key for my application so that it will be loaded when Windows starts. Everything is working except for the fact that the value of the n...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, that did it. Appreciate the quick responses. (by michaelwilliams6511)
by GabeJ
Number lines read from a text file
This program numbers the lines found in a text file. Write a program that reads text from a file and outputs each line to the screen and to another file preced...
[5 replies] Last: The book doesn't teach anything about creating a copy of a file in t... (by cire)
Pointer adress
There was a game called "plants and zombie" each time , i want to hack gold , i use cheat engine then find the address and change it ... i have to find those ...
[2 replies] Last: A pointer is basically an index within the memory. When such a progra... (by coder777)
sum 2 arrays into 3rd array?!?
Ok, I've tried the text, I've tried the search function.. I've found all types of info but I'm having trouble piecing it together. I have a program that dis...
[3 replies] Last: thx for the replies, awesome to have it at least running and duly no... (by jframe1734)
Help me to solve it
Help me please to explain how to solve it Thanks
[1 reply] : Have a go yourself and then we can help with any c++ problems you have... (by Jaybob66)
Inputting string values to a nested map
Hi, guys! I'm relatively new to c++ so please don't judge me. I'm a bit lost in trying to figure out how to input different parts of a line into different parts...
[1 reply] : Look at map.insert(). You will be using pair<>. (by koothkeeper)
Modifying member variable doesn't change its reference despite being pointed to
I am currently working Risk project and I'm having trouble changing the value of a specific Country instance within my Reinforcement Class. I have a pointer var...
[2 replies] Last: as Peter87 says, it happens at line 13. because you assign the vector... (by Jaybob66)
Pascal's triangle - program crashes at the end
Hi, i have built the following c++ program to create a Pascal's triangle. It works fine for a 5-row triangle but crashes when i try to make a 10-row triangle. ...
[3 replies] Last: Negative numbers - in this case it is because the value being stored ... (by Chervil)
Concordance Program
Hi! So what I need to do is write a program that reads in a file (Modest Proposal) and sorts all the words in alphabetical order after converting all of them to...
[2 replies] Last: Are there any constraints of what you can use? I would store it in a ... (by Thomas1965)
by isom03
Yo I need help!!!
In my class we had to be able to store chars, ints, and strings inside of both a string and an array. Then switch around or shuffle the positions of the data st...
[8 replies] Last: Stay tuned though I'm just having a closer look. I'll be back soon Unf... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 53
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