Beginners - November 2014 (Page 58)

arrays inside functions
hello, I am having a hard time completing an assignment in class. pretty much its arrays inside functions. I have a basic understanding of arrays, however my te...
[2 replies] Last: update: please help im lost!!! i have progressed farther ignoring som... (by garrettww2010)
I need to know the place where is the highest value/lowest value in an array.
I need to know the place where is the highest value/lowest value in an array. for (i = 0; i <= n; i++){ for (j = 0; j <= m; j++){ if (a > a ){ ...
[13 replies] Last: if you guys read his full code, you'll see what he's using a for, a... (by dhayden)
by Jon15
Changing array from 1d to 2d in a function
I am confused as to how i am supposed to pass the 1d array to the function, create a 2d array (multiplication table) and then send it back to the main to be out...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the input! (by Jon15)
need help passing a queue by refrence
so i realized my pass2queue function had the queue being reset each time it left it... i realized i needed to pass my queue into everything in order for it to w...
[2 replies] Last: It looks like you're only passing the queue by reference in the print ... (by danghotties)
im totally stuck
Hello, Im new to c++ (no kidding). Currently my syllabus is at function. so, i was given a task to write a program about calculate the number of days in a year ...
[4 replies] Last: okay tq! i will try it :) the last function is the calculation where ... (by Koumatarou)
How to use OpenSteer
Hi, are a new user. I need to learn how to use the library opensteer, where do I start? I have to create a new project in visual studio or do I just import ...
[no replies]
i need help guys im stuck
Hey guys im experimenting on void recursive function, and i dont understand why the ouput of this program is {1 2 1 3 1 2 1 } because the next number to 3...
[1 reply] : Don't double post. (by mutexe)
A doubt on abstract base class and pure virtual functions
it is stated that the pure virtual function declared in the base class must be implemented in the derived class else if not implemented the derived class will a...
[2 replies] Last: it is stated that the pure virtual function declared in the base clas... (by Disch)
by wolfv
How to specify namespace of a library?
Please help me with namespace. Here is a simplified example of what I am trying to do: There are two static C++ libraries named lib1 and lib2. lib1 and lib...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges! That worked. (by wolfv)
Passing and receiving array from function
Hi all, Would you please guide me about my problem? The code below is not yet complete and I have to add a lot. BUT My teacher told me to call the particle velo...
[1 reply] : First look at this snippet: int np=100; int nx=200, ny=200; int dt=0... (by jlb)
error LNK2018: unresolved external symbol (referring to constructors)
This is the first time I have used classes in C++. This program is fairly simple, I am to create a Student class with 4 instance variables. Then create a defaul...
[5 replies] Last: Got it! Thank you much! (by SuperLauraRae)
a doubt regarding late binding
class A { public: virtual int func() { cout << "hello" } } class B: public A { public: int func() { ...
[1 reply] : I want to say that the virtual table of a3 will be consulted to find t... (by MikeyBoy)
How to read numbers from file, when you dont know how many of them are in there ?
Hello, so i have a problem here. I am trying to read file that looks like this: dont try to read words, you wont get them. Pavardenis Vardenis, Kova, 1992 ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by Eivyses)
Change the code to output with the min
My desired output: Enter lower limit: 3 Enter upper limit: 10 3 5 7 My output in my current program: Enter lower limit: 3 Enter upper limit: 10 2 3 4...
[1 reply] : woot!~ I figured it out! #include <iostream> using namespace std; voi... (by Vandalism)
logical error in my code
In the following code, I get the logical error when the loop executes for the second time. During the first time, I'm able to enter the data as required. But...
[4 replies] Last: Interesting... It does not for me. Did you read that link? Does it hel... (by mutexe)
whats wrong with my c++ code
Why my programs doesn't work? it just doesn't make math. Program doesnt print a at all. and prints that "A SUM = 0". I have to make a program that counts a, m g...
[11 replies] Last: code777 it is. line 14 :-) , i need to check if n-m isn't = 0, only th... (by semkius)
by Jon15
Changing a 1d array to a 2d with global variables
Hi, i am writing a program that will pass an array with the integers 0-10 to a function that will create a multiplication table from those integers. I am suppos...
[3 replies] Last: You have declared two different "nums" arrays: one is the parameter to... (by dhayden)
Copying console to a text file
hey guys I was wondering if there is a way to copy the text in the command prompt into a text file without using copy and past. I know how to use fstream and in...
[no replies]
Compare four C++ strings and sort them by length
How do I compare four c++ strings and sort them by length ? I know how to compare 2 strings with the > operator and sort them, but how do I do it with four stri...
[1 reply] : Find the least longest string out of the 4. Then find the least longes... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 5657585960... 65
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