Beginners - November 2014 (Page 55)

Infinite While Loop Help
I've tried looking up a fix but I haven't been able to find anything. Entering the loop is fine and I can input the values I need too but when it goes back into...
[2 replies] Last: YES! That worked. I didn't notice I had it on a double. Silly me haha.... (by DarkCode91)
compiler error in scrabble calculator
I can't seem to figure out why my code won't compile. The program is supposed to ask a user to input a word and then score it based on the points of each letter...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by chris1111678)
Help with char to int and vice versa func
so i need a function that gets a char and puts out a number ex. a=0 b=1 and so on. i have looked into ascii codes,but a is 97,and it is necessary for it to be 0...
[6 replies] Last: by not portable,do you mean to other operating systems or what? Yes,... (by pheininger)
by Dazorz
Searching for names in an array
I have an assignment in which I need the user to enter names into an array, sort it, ask for a string to search for, and provide an index for the string if it i...
[no replies]
Help on a maze program
Hi guys, I'm currently taking my first programming course there is a maze program that I cannot figure it out what should I do to check if there is a path. I h...
[2 replies] Last: Line 20: That's not valid C++. In C++, array sizes must be known at ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Outputting a message box.
could anyone help me print out a message box like this? The bottom and top border are supposed to be 60 columns and the side borders are supposed to be 11 rows ...
[2 replies] Last: You'll need to calculate the positions of the date, names, and assignm... (by Duthomhas)
help me finish this code pls i just need headers
Hi i made this code. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int ro=5; const int col=5; int mb ; void multi() { f...
[8 replies] Last: You know, you fixed some issues that I didn't even notice when I was l... (by Norm Gunderson)
hey guys i have a question why the output of this program is 3 , 4 if 3 , 4 else 4 , 3 if int main() { recursion(2,3,4); } void recursion(int count, int y...
[1 reply] : They reverse because you reversed them: In line 16 you send x to para... (by PCrumley48)
by Ion93
Payroll Class with vectors
Hey guys I'm writing a Payroll class program to calculate gross pay Write a program that processes Payroll objects. The program should read the employee s...
[5 replies] Last: ok here is my new code now I'm not really sure how i display the conte... (by Ion93)
Calcuate Sales Tax Program Trouble
Hi, I wrote a program and my instructor wants me to condense the calculateState, calculateCity, and calculateCounty to one function. Since my program runs how i...
[1 reply] : The three routines are identical except for the name of the first argu... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to show all elements in a stack
My code shows the elements, but after that, if i want to show the top, it crashes... but if after show all, i capture new element, now i can show the top... o_o...
[1 reply] : There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that function. The erro... (by Duthomhas)
Open lockers problem - can't use arrays. I'm lost!
Hi all, I was given the following assignment and have been stuck on it for a while, I am slowly losing my mind. A high school has 1000 students and 1000 ...
[19 replies] Last: Proof of squares: 1. Each locker may only be altered by a student wh... (by PCrumley48)
by strat0
Rock Paper Scissors program
Hello everyone. I'm pretty new to C++ and am having trouble with this program. It does everything I need it to, except I would like it to display the computers ...
[1 reply] : Write a function to do it for you. std::string getChoiceString(int rp... (by booradley60)
Recursive return of a character
I am writing to display the number of a's in a user input. I am getting an out of range at memory location. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with my code, ...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you! I totally forgot about the getline function. (by DEnumber50)
bool, output true for yes and false for no
Hi everyone, trying to figure out 2 things. -How can I get the bool function to read the yes or no, basically if the user inputs a yes, then return 1 and no ...
[1 reply] : The problem with your code is that you are trying to input a float (wh... (by Tom56785)
Prime numbers
Hello, I wrote a program to print all the prime numbers between 1 and 100, see My problem is that it does not co...
[4 replies] Last: I tried something like #include<iostream> #include<vector> using ... (by pacman169)
by Jon15
'Ambiguos' error with global variables
What does it mean if you get an error calling something ambiguous? It is happening at my int mult = part. I am trying to have any arguments that are passed...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, thank you! that makes a lot of sense now. (by Jon15)
Error C2688 on Passby References
Hi, so this is my first post here, so I hope I'm formatting all this correctly. I'm currently writing a mortgage payment calculator program that will calculate ...
[2 replies] Last: No errors now, but my code is not functioning the way it needs to. Aft... (by ddunn12)
Decompose int to powers of 3
[3 replies] Last: Your code doesn't work with negative values -- that's the problem. B... (by Duthomhas)
Menu Creation with diffferent files
I'm basically doing a kinda "large" project on c++, this one here: For now I've been doing a clas...
[6 replies] Last: k, now it works! But my main question was how can I separate this into... (by erik341)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 5354555657... 65
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