Beginners - November 2014 (Page 51)

Display Help
In my code I want to prompt the user for input for there first and last name, however, I want to display it like so: Last Name:_ First...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, I think the problem here is with the number of names. If it was ... (by disturbedfuel15)
How to create objects using a variable.
Hello everyone. I embarked on creating my first console application using classes. I simplified my code but my problem boils down to creating multiple objects...
[8 replies] Last: *mobotus - your solution fits my needs perfectly! I didn't think about... (by seweriusz)
by Phaxen
Logical Operators
This lab introduces the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT in a menu driven application program. Copy and paste the code below in a filename LastFirst_la...
[12 replies] Last: A very angry american with access to guns. Talk about living up to the... (by mutexe)
by stepil
Trouble with sfml installation
Hey, I've got problem with SFML install into CodeBlocks. I installed it just how they write on Then I copied...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Firstly it was throwing at me error, that it can't ... (by stepil)
range for question
Write your question here. Hello, I am trying to use a 'range for' to print the elements of a vector to the screen. The first for loop came straight out of C...
[1 reply] : Try Ctrl+Z instead of Ctrl+Break. (by Peter87)
by jthku
2D Array: No matching function for call to
Hi, I'm taking my first C++ course and trying to call a 2D array of variable size in a function, but the compiler returns the error "No matching function for ca...
[1 reply] : First of all having array of size not known ic compile time is prohibi... (by MiiNiPaa)
Inputting a dynamic array into a .txt file and outputting a sorted dynamic array?
Hi guys, I have this assignment due for a beginner Computer Science class. I understand the concept of making a .txt file and I also understand how to create...
[1 reply] : However, I do not understand the concept of inputting the numbers in ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Reading multiple columns of data with std::vector
I have a text file with real data points aligned in a column that I am reading into C++ with the attached program. Initially I read it in using a traditional f...
[1 reply] : Depends on what is stored in those columns and how do you want data to... (by MiiNiPaa)
Program is not align properly?
Hi, I am having trouble getting my code to align properly in columns. When i enter a three digit number it outputs correctly but when i type in a number greater...
[1 reply] : I think what you're looking for is setw() from iomanip(see reference: ... (by rjvc)
Comparing Strings - Simple Spell Checker
Hello everyone. First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to view my problem. I am in my sophomore year of college, and I really, really love programm...
[16 replies] Last: After countless, countless, countless hours of testing and thinking. ... (by disturbedfuel15)
Dynamic Array Allocation
I have a problem where I need to read in a text file with one column of REAL (i.e. float) data. Attached is a program that accomplishes this, but it requires a...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, the use of vector worked well. However with respect to mul... (by jowebb123)
Trouble figuring out what to do
If I could get help on understanding what and how I should do things that would be great. Implement and test a C++ program that, assuming that you have charact...
[no replies]
by Gleade
Trouble with A* pathfinding
Hello, I am attempting to create my own version of A*. The trouble I'm having is mainly that my program isn't finding the closed nodes properly. And all in all ...
[no replies]
anyone know how to make 7 numbers from a file get plugged into the equation with loop? for (int counter = 1; counter >=7; counter ++) if (number < low) {low = ...
[2 replies] Last: so far it only gets me highest lowest total and average of all my numb... (by poseidn)
If else statements
I am trying to write a code that reads a message in other language based on what letter is typed in the beginning. I have every thing working but it won't give ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. (by Disch)
Binary Search Tree - RemoveNodeFunction.
I have 1 problem when I want to delete a node in tree.I think problem in 3 function 1/RemoveRoot(). 2/RemoveMatch(Node *parent, Node *match, bool left); 3/N...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks ,bro ,i just have solved it :D (by hazardnguyen)
Sum of squares program
So this is my assignment... And this is the code I have so far. Can someone tell me if I'm on the right pat...
[1 reply] : [code firstline=9]sum += i * i; } } cout << sum <<endl; (by Smac89)
by Akigou
Errors (Phone Bill Program)
How do I build the parameters so that my program can catch errors such as: -Transactional code only the codes D and P - are permitted -Transaction ammo...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure how you have it setup but it could be something like this... (by giblit)
by clodi
sometimes it runs sometimes it doesn't?
Hello, before posting my code here, I'd like to make sure that my PC isn't broken or anything.. is it even possible that you run your code and it compiles fi...
[7 replies] Last: fuck, that's genius!! find the bad seed and stick with it. Genius. tha... (by clodi)
Breakfast Menu using loops and functions
I almost have this figured out. The only problem I am having is if the person orders and then when it is time to pay, the person does not give enough money. I c...
[2 replies] Last: Gahhhhh That makes so much more since. I tried something like this ext... (by diivinnerampage)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 65
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