Beginners - November 2014 (Page 50)

Recursive return of string
I am really new to the idea of recursion, I cannot get this to work properly. It is supposed to return the index of a string if there is a match. For instance:...
[no replies]
Hello. I am new to coding. I just started and I am following a book called "C++ for Dummies" this book is basically a "How to" on coding. I typed exactly as the...
[7 replies] Last: Try posting what you have now and please use code tags (<>). In the m... (by admkrk)
minimum, average, and maximum of a file array
I've been given this task at University: Write a program that reads a column of numbers from a file and then prints the minimum, average, and maximum of thos...
[5 replies] Last: You don't need that array at all. At start the count of values is 0 a... (by keskiverto)
Add While loop statement to program
17. A new author is in the process of negotiating a contract for a new romance novel. The publisher is offering three options. In the first option, the author ...
[no replies]
why won't my program display the contents of a file?
I am trying to write binary "raw" data to a file and so far I am able to do that. However, I am having a bit of trouble trying to display the data from the file...
[5 replies] Last: string sentence; ... file.write(reinterpret_cast <char *> (&sentence... (by Disch)
I need help on Last c++ exercise!!!
I need help doing this problem. here is the instructions, We would like to calculate the (biased) variance of an array inputted from array:dat by passing a func...
[no replies]
Reading multiple columns of data with different data types
I am re-posting this question which was also posted last night, but I dont think I described my desired end state well enough. The code/class attached works ve...
[1 reply] : Also, while in this specific instance, I only want to read in the firs... (by jowebb123)
Alignment Problems
Hi, my program is not working for numbers greater than three digits. Like if the user enters 100, the alignment is correct, but if the user enters 78000, the al...
[4 replies] Last: I think the example that rjvc gave you should work: From http://www.c... (by Norm Gunderson)
Can somebody help me figure out why this program can't add days to a date?
This program needs to add days to a date. I need to implement this into a larger program but I created a separate program to get the algorithm right. I'm runnin...
[2 replies] Last: int dd = 1; //number of days to add /// dd=1??? addyears = dd/365; ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
sigh a little help please
Okay, I'm having a little issue out of my latest program, which yes is a homework assignment. I have the code written, but, for some reason it's not doing like ...
[10 replies] Last: thanks to all for the push in the right direction. (by Sublyminal)
function help
i need help understanding the logic behind this function, can someone please explain. the function is supposed to "Return a pointer to the character at the inde...
[3 replies] Last: char * GetValueAtIndex(char * const c, int index) { int i = 0; cha... (by PCrumley48)
How to declare, input, output a 2d vector?
How to declare, input, output a 2d vector?
[1 reply] : What have you tried? (by jlb)
[HELP] Class Dice game initialized number from another cpp
I have the problems with initialized number from another cpp file Dice::Dice(int num1, int num2) :numberone(num1), numbertwo(num2) { } int Dice::ro...
[2 replies] Last: A function cannot return 2 or more values at the same time. Also, dnu... (by shadowCODE)
How to create a 2d string array and take string as input into the array?
How to create a 2d string array and take string as input into the array?
[1 reply] : Spanish inquisition? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <... (by keskiverto)
Problem With If statements please help!
Hi I'm trying to write a program that the user enters their marks for coursework and exam, then put out their total marks and the grade (A* to F). It looks co...
[5 replies] Last: Ok It's working now thank you very much for your help :D (by Sparda065)
by msrt92
Deep copy constructor
it is deep copy constructor??? please explain me about deep and shallow copy constructor... #include<iostream.h> class student { private: in...
[10 replies] Last: jbottrop wrote: I would advice against any kind of copy construc... (by anup30)
by wolfv
How does C++ make sub-libraries?
I would like to learn how C++ makes sub-libraries. Something like what is depicted in this diagram: Where do I s...
[3 replies] Last: I use classes. Sorry I didn't take a closer look at the diagram befor... (by wolfv)
Doubly Linked List printing problem
I can't figure out how to write the display function. I want a function to print the array backwards and a function that prints it forward. But I'm unable to wr...
[3 replies] Last: it displays the list in reverse order. Perhaps the data is inserted i... (by kbw)
can someone help?
how to implement the main queue functions Enque() and Deque() using two stacks S1 & S2? You allowed only to call push () and pop() functions of the two stack...
[4 replies] Last: thanks a lot (by Ali Tamim)
Remove data from console after selecting a choice?
Basically, after a user has entered a choice, for example 1. Add 2. Multiply I want it to delete the following text from the screen after user entry and ...
[1 reply] : system("cls"); for Windows system("clear"); for Unix I don't think it... (by disturbedfuel15)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 65
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