Beginners - November 2014 (Page 49)

by davez
upload problem
is there any other way to upload my codes here in the forum because the codes that i want to upload is too long that it reaches that max number of letters allo...
[2 replies] Last: why not upload it in some site like and give us the lin... (by xenovia12)
getting some problem in creating function and procedure in c++
hello guys, right now i try to write a problem in order to keep track student's grade using vector in c++. it should include one procedure(determin_grade), and ...
[4 replies] Last: there is my new code, and i can get the grades when calling the determ... (by tinytimes)
by kenzhu
How to output an isosceles triangle composed of & using c++?
the user can type in the size range within 2 and 20, and the triangle orientation ( i.e. which direction the triangle is pointing to ), right, left, up or down...
[7 replies] Last: maybe this site will help you how loops work (by davez)
by davez
Structures \m/
Whats the use of structures in c++ programming?
[9 replies] Last: @Peter87 what is the advantage and disadvantage of creating a struct i... (by xenovia12)
"return 0;" or "return 1;" ?
So basically, I was wondering why I've seen many tutorials teach "return 0;" as a way to end a program, yet when I replace "return 1;" down below with "0;" noth...
[5 replies] Last: To understand why program exit codes are useful, you kind of have to w... (by Disch)
Two dimensional array with vector
i made function, but I do not know how to test this. #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <vector> using namespace std; vector<int> flatte...
[1 reply] : Exercise 10: Flatten (5 points) vector flatten(int a ); Write a fun... (by leeli0830)
Compiling issue?
Hey guys, I'm wondering why my program won't compile. Thank you in advance! I'm getting errors that say: assignment3-.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: ass...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, the functions want an integer, but you are feeding them with a fu... (by S G H)
Ending elements in array with period
I don't know how to end the elements of the following array with a period instead of a comma. for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { array_...
[4 replies] Last: Ah i see now, thanks for your help (by bgold12)
I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH THIS CODE AND IM FREAKING OUT. ANY HELP APPRECIATED. /* * File: fillShapes.c * This program outputs a filled version of a sha...
[1 reply] : Please put your listing above between blocks so we can run it. Whil... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by kali17
calculating the average in a multiset
Hi everyone! I'm trying to search a multiset for a two values, then calculate the average of the range. When I use multiset.find(e)and accumulate it doesn't in...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges and keskiverto :) You were very helpful. (by kali17)
Creating a shell
Hello so I am a bit rusty, and by that I mean like SUPER rusty. I have this program that creates a file system and then I need to make the shell to interact wi...
[no replies]
No matching function call in main error
I dont understand why I am getting the error, 'No matching function call in main ' each member of array 'array_intergers' num_elements = 0; ...
[2 replies] Last: o wow thanks (by bgold12)
Error with classes and multiple files
I've spent the last day fixing the errors in my program and I'm stuck on these. This program messes around with dates, it can get the current date, user can ch...
[2 replies] Last: You get the redefinition error because you include both date.cpp and... (by YokoTsuno)
by aggsyb
Creating a header file / managing multiple cpp's
Ok this one is probably really simple but all example of header files I have found seem to have all the functions built into the header itself. Example scena...
[5 replies] Last: Each of your .cpp files should have #include "MyProg.h" near the top... (by dhayden)
by Danny7
Ending while loop with user input
I am stuck with this program. So far the user can guess an age and if they get it right the program ends but when the program is asking the user if they want to...
[4 replies] Last: @Jacobhaha, thanks. (by InfinityCounter)
Error with strings and referencing, please help.
I'm working on a homework assignment and I got rid of all the errors and now I'm getting some jibberish that is related to strings and references. I have no ide...
[5 replies] Last: I don't get any compile errors when I compile your code and the protot... (by jlb)
by Phaxen
The switch statement
This lab lets students work with the switch statement. Copy and paste the code below in a filename LastFirst_lab44.cpp (e.g. DoeJoe_lab44.cpp) and save i...
[8 replies] Last: meanie poopoo head:the marines favorite sentence lmao (by DAoliHVAR)
by leo255
Can Someone help me understand this code (sorting)?
Hi all, I had a test yesterday. Overall, I got everything correct, except for this one function. The exact instructions are below, as well as the correct cod...
[1 reply] : You've got two decks of cards with the face up. At each step you take ... (by ne555)
by cGuru
Vector Randomization Confusion
NOTE: If you can provide any help without suggesting anything having to do with " std:: ", that would be appreciated as my teacher says that is too complex ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, exactly what I needed! (by cGuru)
Reading Lines from a txt file into a string
Say I have a commant.txt file that contains something like: num_chars logfile.txt num_lines settings.txt I haven't included all my code because I think it'...
[2 replies] Last: Crap. I haven't thought about using getline(). This makes it much eas... (by Extreme112)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 4748495051... 65
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