Beginners - November 2014 (Page 48)

by Jumana
C++ code using while loop
Hi everybody, I need a help to code a C++ program "should include while loop" that prompt the user to enter a range between any two integers, and output the cou...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks wildblue for your help.. I understand my errors, but I don't kn... (by Jumana)
user error with if statements.
Can some one provide me details on how to check for user error input? I have a function and I want it to give an error message using if statements if the input ...
[1 reply] : http://www.cpluspl... (by Jacobhaha)
by bl9009
Returning a local object results in garbage, while returning the same object temporary works fine
Hello, I'm currently implementing my own string class (just for training), but I'm experiencing some problems in my substr() method: MyString MyString:...
[3 replies] Last: Looks like you are creating the temporary just fine. The problem migh... (by Disch)
Prevention of memory leakage
I have a code like below. Here, I have a structure "chair" with a member A and from main, am calling a fucntion "func1" for a number of iterations. Inside func...
[4 replies] Last: Now that I am awake... I wanted to look at this again. Should be able ... (by mobotus)
string::erase problem
Giving the input example. (not the period), this program gives a Segmentation fault . int main() { map<string, size_t> word_count; set<string> exclude =...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <cctype... (by JLBorges)
Reading File into Arrays
For class I need to read an id number from a file, and a name that is next to the id number, it seems as if it is a tab delimited file. I want to learn ho...
[3 replies] Last: I am not sure what you are asking. The program compiles and runs fine,... (by disturbedfuel15)
Need Simple c++ coding Willing to pay.
Hey, i Have to make a "dungeon". I have no idea on about how to do this. But, i have specific instructions, anyone willing to help? Thanks. Willing to pay, need...
[no replies]
Need help with game im trying to write
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; char Map = {"#########", "#@ #", "# ...
[2 replies] Last: Please add code tags. See the <> to the right when you are creating o... (by pheininger)
Calculator code.
The point of the code is to take a word SUBTRACTION or multiplication as an enum and use that to choose which operation is done and then take two numbers and op...
[2 replies] Last: I wanted to do something like this : void PrintColor(Colors eColor) { ... (by Jansel3)
streaming/input/output program
This is what I am trying to accomplish... Write a program which reads a stream of numbers from a file and writes only the positive numbers to a second file. ...
[1 reply] : You're definitely on the right track. My only comment is that proces... (by dhayden)
something wrong...
the problem says Show how to implement the main queue functions Enque() and Deque() using two stacks S1 & S2 You allowed only to call push () and pop() funct...
[3 replies] Last: If you're limited to a stack then that's the right way to do it. (by dhayden)
Airline reservation System
Write your question here. Pls help me with the reservation part It is a visual c++ version 6 The reservation function is either not reading the file or the c...
[no replies]
C++ For Dummies 7th Edition
I am currently reading C++ For Dummies 7th Edition since it was free, but i just wanted ask what your thoughts on that book is and if it is worth it to continue...
[9 replies] Last: Lorence30 (368), as i see you have posted 368 times, you are not a beg... (by anup30)
I think my WHILE loop is wrong somewhere....
The program runs just fine, I have a while loop that keeps asking the person for the price and weight of an item. The loop works fine, but when i put 'N' in ord...
[2 replies] Last: int getItemsInfo(float& totPrice, int& totWeight) This function is d... (by pheininger)
by anip82
Pls help [urgent]
hi all, i cannot success the program [Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16' ld returned 1 exit status // Program 6.5 #include <iost...
[3 replies] Last: There's a simple example here in the tutorial on the structure of a C+... (by wildblue)
by Ned757
What is the difference between void and int?
I don't get the difference. I read some threads saying void returns nothing an int returns and interger but they both work the same. For example #includ...
[1 reply] : They give the same output, since they both print the same statement th... (by wildblue)
by anip82
2nd Pls Help [urgent]
Cannot run [Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16' ld returned 1 exit status // Program 5.11 // Bubble Sort #include <iostream> using name...
[1 reply] : Same thing as your other post... there is no main function. #includ... (by wildblue)
by kenzhu
Plz help me how to solve CodeBreaker
Task 1: Encode and Decode (a) [20%] void encode(int key, char plain , int length, char encoded ); This function implements the encoding scheme described earlier...
[4 replies] Last: I want to array and function (by kenzhu)
by Ned757
A good book for beginners (C++)
Hello guys, i'm a 14 year old guy (15 in 24th December :D) who loves computers, i've always wanted to program and make software. I really love Maths and ICT as ...
[1 reply] : try, 1. 2. http://www.learncpp... (by anup30)
C++ V/S Java
C++ V/S Java which programming language is best. ...
[2 replies] Last: it depends on what you want to to. C++ is best for game programming, ... (by anup30)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 4647484950... 65
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