Beginners - November 2014 (Page 39)

by lax378
max value count of an array
I have an assignment to print out an 8 by 8 matrix and show the max and min values. I also have to state how many times the max and min both occur, this is the ...
[4 replies] Last: LOL. Thanks! (by dhayden)
Asterisk Triangle
Hi there, this code outputs an asterisk triangle with a straight edge down the left, I cant for the life of me figure out how to reverse it so that the straight...
[1 reply] : Hint: The output becomes a rectangle with some characters as spaces an... (by pheininger)
RPG, Text Based Adventure - How to make monsters Using this tutorial but don't understand it, can someone please help me.
[2 replies] Last: I don't understand how to add it into a main.cpp (by Althalus)
by drax
stream output
I made this code where I would like to get a an output that would look like "book1 has this names that you entered: " and then list all the names in sequence th...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by drax)
Merge Sort
I code the merge function like this but when I test,there's an error trigged breakpoint at the show() func, but I don't know why. void show(int a , int n)...
[3 replies] Last: @bhalo The merge functions are basically the same (count the loops) ju... (by coder777)
I can't find two errors.
My program looks like it should run perfectly fine, however there are two linker errors that I cannot figure out. The first is that there is one unresolved exte...
[2 replies] Last: Thx! It is fixed and running smoothly. (by HatchetMan302)
by rayna
Need help with my for loop
Hello I was on here last night wish an issue with my code and I got a for loop that helped me fix my problem. now I need to change that loop to display on the s...
[4 replies] Last: Switching lines 6 and 8 is only going to switch where the 4 and the # ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Would anyone mind debugging my program?
[2 replies] Last: Yes i know i could've used the debugger, but I'm just a little lazy at... (by SomeAmazingGuy)
by Naulee
Implementing Stack Class with Vector
I'm trying to do a palindrome check from a text file that reads each line separately and tells whether or not the line is a palindrome and outputs that informat...
[no replies]
by Jon15
Formatting with loops and i/o filestream objects
Hi, my problems are that i am getting repeated output statements sometimes when i try to repeat or "update" the info., or I am repeating a loop that I don't wan...
[no replies]
Help with templates and inheritance
I have two classes that I want to use templates with but I get this error: error C2989: 'B' : class template has already been declared as a non-class templat...
[5 replies] Last: cout doesn't have an overloaded operator that takes in a Date obje... (by YokoTsuno)
by Jon15
I/O filestream and objects
My problems are that I am getting some of my output repeated twice and that when i hit anything other than "yes" to repeat the loop I get some of the output tha...
[2 replies] Last: what is "cin.sync()" ? we haven't learned that yet. and ok, that makes... (by Jon15)
Where to start?
I want to get into coding, i can write a basic hello world program, and i know how to change the color of the program and text. Where should i start? and how ca...
[5 replies] Last: I think the best way to learn is to think of something you want to ma... (by fabtasticwill)
Little help with comments
I have managed to write a simple program to display the factorials of each number up to 12, however I'm having trouble explaining each part of the code as it ha...
[5 replies] Last: You had me scared then, I was looking at my code like s**t haha! Thank... (by badcoder)
Write a program that calculates and prints the semester college bill for a college. The college has two types of students : undergraduate and graduate. Tuiti...
[1 reply] : you could at least say please... (by jasonwynn10)
by Atton
I have been working on a system to to covert a string into ones and zeros. I have been doing a lot of looking about and made many attempts to make everything wo...
[6 replies] Last: Might change that now. Strange but how could you store the end result... (by Atton)
Syntax error on inheritance (derived classes)
So, I'm basically trying to define a base class person that will contain universal information, including name, address, birth date, gender and identification (...
[1 reply] : continue is a reserved keyword in C/C++ and can't be used as a varia... (by YokoTsuno)
Why is this do-while loop not working???
Hi, everyone. I'm having a really big problem here. Everything in this program works fine except for the do-while loop, which won't repeat when I type in y for ...
[8 replies] Last: OH I'm so stupid. Thanks for your guy's help, and sorry if I pulled a ... (by eagle4022)
Does anyone know how to do this? Please explain in details
What does the RTL expression <- +2 mean? What does the RTL expression <-[50 + 2] + 2 mean?
[1 reply] : I don't think this is really a "Beginner c++ topic" but, this may help... (by giblit)
I am trying to find incorrect words in an input file. I am having an issue with spaces, new lines, and punctuation. Any help or input is appreciated. #inc...
[3 replies] Last: Any help is appreciated, it has to be in my comparison. I just don't k... (by elite zero)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 3738394041... 65
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