Beginners - November 2014 (Page 37)

DEC to HEX Please help
Hello i have made this code, but i wanted to print it out in Hexadecimal format, but i cant figure it out. Any help will be welcomed. By the way i dont understa...
[6 replies] Last: The first output of the loop(as I posted above) is the LSB (Least Sign... (by rjvc)
The max bits an array can hold?
Hey I have a question about the following code. It takes the powers of 50 numbers in a loop, and each function in the for loop outputs the same number. That is ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much dhayden, and I didn't know that int could hold diffe... (by HyBoNiX)
single word palindrome
i want to change this code and make it check for single word palindromes. ex: hanah jenjen unoiunoi #include <cassert> // Provides assert #include <ccty...
[no replies]
Do you think my program will be able to display the last ten lines of ANY file?
So far I've tested my program with the .txt files in my computer and it seems that my program works. But I want to see if YOU can open any .txt file in your com...
[2 replies] Last: You should check out Circular Buffers ( also called Ring Buffers ). I... (by Lowest0ne)
by goldyn
some array issues
I'm having fun learning arrays on my own, but I've hit a wall! My code is outputting the reverse order as -858993460 My code is outputting the smallest number...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry lol, I should have clarified. It is outputting reverse correctly... (by goldyn)
assign values to the data members of the derived object
I have a function to set values into my data members. But when I tried, it is giving me an error of no viable overloaded '=' . Could anyone give me hint to ...
[2 replies] Last: List is stored in &list as a name-value pair and i have to read it and... (by me loko 88)
Hi , av used static keyword before and I have worked with static variables from time to time but I have just realized that I don't really understand what stati...
[6 replies] Last: No, plain local static variables serve a useful function by being hidd... (by dhayden)
Hi-Lo Program
I need help creating a program that has the user start with a 1,000 points, and asks the user how much of those points they want to risk and to choose High or L...
[no replies]
by rpalu
Pushing a class object onto another class' parameter
I've been given an assignment and it says exactly that. I'm not sure what other way I could so it other than "classTemp.push(temp);" as you can see in BOLD at t...
[no replies]
return number of elements STORED
I need help in getting the number of elements STORED in my array. I have fixed array in size 5. But my code is giving me size 5 and not the actual number of...
[4 replies] Last: Alright. I got it. I added an int variable and use that in storing a n... (by me loko 88)
Fahrenheit to Celsius Code
Hey guys, I'm new to any type of programming and for my computer science class we have to write a program to do the following:  Loop 4 times to do the fol...
[no replies]
Help- 2d Array program sementation fault - core dumping
I am trying to figure out this prompt: Write a function that takes as parameters a square 2D array of ints and the number of rows in the user's square. The f...
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Converting Metric to English and Visa Versa
I realize the topic sounds extremely easy, but the trouble I'm having with the program is rounding. The program is supposed to ask the user for one measurement,...
[1 reply] : You ask for integer feet. Therefore, there are no inches to care about... (by keskiverto)
algorithm into assembly language
1) Translate the following algorithm into assembly language. IF X > 12 THEN X = 2*X + 4 ELSE X = X + Y Does anyone know how to do this.. i know I have to sta...
[4 replies] Last: Looks like intel code. Using gcc, I was able to generate this: .fil... (by Smac89)
Questions about Classes
[1 reply] : 1.a.b.c : There are no real world programming examples to showcase thi... (by Computergeek01)
How push_back and emplace_back methods working with class, that havent copy constructor
Hi all! First of all, sry for my bad english =( I have the class MyClass. He havent copy constructor ( i have reasons to not do it ). I need to use this class...
[5 replies] Last: super-mega-big class Smells fishy and prime target for refactoring ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by kazwho
bubble sort and call functions
So I'm having a little trouble with a program I have to do for a class. The objective is to use a bubble sort algorithm to sort a list of 10 randomly generated ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> // #include <... (by anup30)
Pointers/For Loops Videos?
Pointers/For Loops Videos? Are there any suggestions for plain-English good Youtube video channels to explain Pointers in detail? Are there any suggestion...
[no replies]
problem with operator+() overloaded function
Hello guys. I did this before with built in types, but this time around I keep failing trying to do it with class objects. I was asked to write a string class w...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks dhayden, peter87, and coder777. Highly appreciated (by Misbahu)
Learning functions
Hello everyone, we are learning functions and I am trying to do some review work. The question is to write the function and definition. I am writing the whole c...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks! (by hatepotholez)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 65
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