Beginners - November 2014 (Page 36)

class program with friends, urgent!
I have a small debug problem, I need to create a program which takes coordinates and creates a rectangle, calculates distance and perimeter. The problem lies...
[3 replies] Last: The specific problem you're seeing is that you're defining AB, AC, CD,... (by dhayden)
by pukol
Comparing strings
So here's the deal. I created a linked list that will store a string in each node. The problem is it is an ordered list and i don't know how to put where it ...
[1 reply] : It's pretty straight forward. Start with the root (lowest) node. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Error in Code, unsure how to correct
I am getting an error in my code, and I do not know how to fix it. Write a program to calculate target heart rate during fitness training. This program has two...
[1 reply] : 1. dont use same name for function and variable 2. TargetHeartRate in ... (by anup30)
Problem using global constants
I have 4 files, 3 of them are class header files and one of them is the main file. Everything works fine when I run these, except under one condition. I want ...
[2 replies] Last: I want to make a set of global constants, in main, to use in the cla... (by dhayden)
Binomial Series
Before I start I want to explain that I have searched the forums and haven't found my solution yet. My teacher gave us a problem to solve he wants a program...
[1 reply] : The problem is on line 70. b^k is not b raised to the k'th power, it... (by dhayden)
Nested Loops Help
My arrow code is broken, please help! I cant figure out whats wrong with the tail! //This will create the ArrowHead // This will create the top sect...
[1 reply] : The tailLength is wrong because the headLength is wrong. headLength =... (by dhayden)
How do I call my functions from main?
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; //Initialize variables because the homework said to. I do not however have to use them. voi...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for that explanation quan. I now understand what t... (by closed account S2wCM4Gy)
by vxk
simple character string copy
Can somebody point me what is wrong with the following piece of code ?: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char ch = "hello77o"; ...
[4 replies] Last: oh this solved the problem --> #include <iostream> using namespace... (by vxk)
by thzo
process terminated with status 1970205833
Write your question here. What do I have to do when I get "process terminated with status 1970205833"? Running code::blocks 13.12 on a windows 7 computer ...
[no replies]
by Torm04
C++ Help (fstream)
Hello, I have a couple questions about using fstream. I am curious on how I would do something like : To begin with there is a .txt file with a set of numbers ...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you everyone that helped me with this. I got the assignment fini... (by Torm04)
Let us understand this code?
Hi all, My teacher gave me a code and told me to try to understand it. I have some questions would you please help me? 1- I know this code is for modellin...
[3 replies] Last: The first argument to main() is the number of parameters passed to th... (by hellox)
by hellox
Making Apps
Hello i want to learn to create app's but i read somewhere it's best to learn C++ first or it is the easiest way. What do you think is best: To start with C++ t...
[11 replies] Last: Okay thanks :) (by hellox)
Coding Assignment, stuck!
Hey all, trouble with a school assignment, i need to create an arrow in the console using user inputs and nested loops. My idea is that after every column the d...
[3 replies] Last: Ok this is where i'm at #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #inclu... (by codingn00b)
I need your suggest about best books for C++
hi, I need your suggest about best books for C++(A to Z) learn and algorithms and problem Solving , I want qualify my self to ACM competition,and i am from...
[15 replies] Last: ok , i will chose C++ Primer Thanks for All :) (by SamuelFX)
by Daviid
getline ignores the first chunk of text
I'm not really sure how to describe whats going wrong. But if you run it and see the result youll understand. It is a program to "encrypt" a message. you turn t...
[2 replies] Last: delete line19 is OK Have a try (by larry123)
Iterative MergeSort function
I am trying to write an iterative MergeSort function. I have already written it recursively. I have to use this "Merge" function for both the recursive and iter...
[1 reply] : Please provide the code to reproduce the problem. (by coder777)
Re-writing a loop
How would I re-write this for loop as a while loop? int i = 1; int s = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) s = s + i;
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, your help is very much appreciated! (by JayJay007)
Getting user input into a 2D array
I need to figure out how to get a string of user input into a 2d array. The array is to be a square (equal number of rows and cols). The user is to input the si...
[3 replies] Last: That does read the values properly. The problem is in the output that ... (by keskiverto)
by iluv41
virtual and pure virtual functions
I am having trouble understanding the concept of virtual and pure virtual functions. What is the point of them? In what instances would I use a virtual or ...
[1 reply] : What is the point of them? Calls to the virtual function is resolved... (by MiiNiPaa)
HW help?
So basically I need to write a program for blackjack the card game. my plan is to have 1 function get the number of cards, 2nd function add together the next li...
[no replies]
November 2014 Pages: 1... 3435363738... 65
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