Beginners - November 2014 (Page 33)

URGENT!! Help with converting my string code to arrays
Hi guys, I have a project due today at midnight, and the instruction states, Write a program using a function named swapFrontBack that takes as input an array...
[1 reply] : I have updated my code. Please take a look. #include <iostream> #i... (by shindosu)
by jithen
[6 replies] Last: sadsadsad (by jithen)
How to properly remove an element from an array?
I am creating a list using Arrays and I am trying to implement a function that deletes an element from my array and the function does remove the element, but i...
[5 replies] Last: So you basically copying the left elements to a new array a ? I don't... (by DeathLeap)
help inputting a text file into an array
I have been struggling with this for a while now. My assignment requires me to take information from a text file and input it into an array. The text file given...
[3 replies] Last: I hope you can learn something from this, and you find the code reusab... (by megatron 0)
Trouble with inserting in Linked Lists.
I'm using a doubly linked list and templates and I'm having trouble with inserting a new node and printing it in reverse. I can print the list in reverse when I...
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Reading and Displaying from output file
Write your question here. Sooooo, i'm outputting and calculating to a text file... But now I need to display what has been written to the text file... Any h...
[no replies]
by wolfv
How to initialize static base type to a derived type?
Is there a way to do this?: Base classes are in a library that the user can not edit. The library has a class containing a static variable; the static variabl...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Aceix. The compiler would check line 20 (if it were uncommented) t... (by wolfv)
What is reverse_iterator?
what is reverse_iterator in c++?? is it a function or object or what?? and what do we mean by std:: // Example program #include <iostream> #include <string...
[1 reply] : You are referring to iQChange 's post in your thread: http://www.cplu... (by keskiverto)
Loop for input validation ?
My program isn't working properly, when the input is not valid, it still executes the input ? Please help lol #include<iostream> using namespace std; in...
[5 replies] Last: Nvm I figured it out on my own cause i'm smart like that =] (by leashbomb69)
by mtmsl
Returning A Partial Character String From A Funcion
I'm trying to develop a function for a larger exercise, which is to receive a character string, and return a substring. The function I came up with essentially ...
[5 replies] Last: "Beginning Visual C++ 2010" by Ivor Horton. In this section, it said t... (by mtmsl)
String array not storing.
I'm having an issue with my string array. It doesn't seem to be storing anything or it is only storing the last string typed in. Also, my while loop is suppo...
[7 replies] Last: line 18: There is nothing to prevent the user from overrunning your ar... (by AbstractionAnon)
checkers class! help.. (was not declared issue )
I'm try to learn how to make classes and header files and multiple source files. Attempting to make a simple checkers game and running into a problem. For some ...
[3 replies] Last: 1) you're missing a #include for <string>. In some implementations, ... (by AbstractionAnon)
<istream> input with both cin and getline
Hey everyone! I have a member friend function that receives an istream and reads values from it into private attributes of the object: istream &operator>>(is...
[2 replies] Last: I had no idea std::ws existed. This solves my problem. Thank you!... (by PrivateRyan)
Displaying array program, simple program but confused!
Hello since I am new to c++ we just discussed Arrays about a week and a half ago and I tried to understand how to display them but I'm just confused. SO we are ...
[12 replies] Last: @disturbedfuel: That could be true if you used <=. If you use a simpl... (by S G H)
Dealing with bad input
Hello, I'm a C++ beginner and I have a doubt about bad input, why in this program if I enter the value 2.5 and 3.5 the reading of 3.5 fails ? If I write this pr...
[6 replies] Last: std::cin is a std::istream that just happens to take input from s... (by LB)
What is string in C++
I am a beginner in C++, I wanna know what is the concept of string in c++. Is it a class, object, function data type, what is it?? We can declare string bot a...
[2 replies] Last: std::string has an assignment operator. Your first example assigns th... (by AbstractionAnon)
urgent help needed C++
Hi, I would need urgent help to solve my following issue: 1. To store the vertices into 'Square'. 2. Store Square into an ObjArray. This is the latest co...
[5 replies] Last: @dhayden - we have a warpspace parameter to Square's constructor, so t... (by AbstractionAnon)
by paligq
File Io
Could someone tell me if this is right. I have to make a program that generates 1000 random numbers in a file than separates the numbers into a positive file an...
[6 replies] Last: Sure. Post the code or send it in a private message. (by dhayden)
by Xolin
Random number Gen
SO..I'm reading through a beginners code book and one of the exercises they have us do is have the Compiler generate a random number, and using a loop, we have ...
[7 replies] Last: My bad. I was looking at your line 13, thinking it was his. Well, i... (by PCrumley48)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 65
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