by bigtimetime
Roman Numeral to Decimal conversion
[2 replies] Last: you can try getting the char one by one(from the string): ////NOTE! r... (by rjvc)
by raminlich
worng output in float divid
[1 reply] : Because 1000000 is equal to 1e+06; Use std::fixed to avoid scientif... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Funkist
Classes and pointers
[1 reply] : So it prints "Some important info" once instead of twice? Maybe showin... (by Peter87)
by mel960912
booking/reservation program
[1 reply] : Hi! You can try posting what you have done so far and we'll work our w... (by rjvc)
by theanswer
Train problem
[1 reply] : bump (by theanswer)
by abdalimran
Adding all the digits into a string.
[1 reply] : Because you are adding character to an in teger. characeter '1' is not... (by MiiNiPaa)
by bheadmaster
Why "itoa" function doesn't work with C++11 ISO standard?
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I get it now. I didn't know there was such a function for strings,... (by bheadmaster)
by LemonMilkTea
TwoDArray/Tokenizer help
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> int main()... (by JLBorges)
I need help with a piece of code from my project, Theater Seating Program |
[1 reply] : First, rewrite arr as arr[r-1][c-1] or something like this in ... (by Konstantin2)
by millerlyte79
This cout statement is causing my program to fail!
[2 replies] Last: Just ran it on Xcode and can confirm it runs fine. I haven't used Net... (by Immo)
by canx
code to calculate class average
[2 replies] Last: Also in the same boat as LB, but I'll answer anyway. The problem here... (by Immo)
this pointer in struct's constructor |
[2 replies] Last: You are right. Thank you !! I am not sure what was going on. (by carlossentino)
by mjledzep
Outputting Fibonacci Sequence As An Array
[3 replies] Last: fib = 1 Fix your line 19 and you'll be closer. I also recommend get... (by Duthomhas)
by vextria
Array File - Sorting/Ith Number/Max/Min
[3 replies] Last: [quote=vextria]I also submitted a version with algorithm, and that gav... (by LB)
by Katie umw
need help ASAP for filling in a code that draws a circle
[2 replies] Last: I'm using JavaScript in Brackets (by Katie umw)
by thor36
"errno_t was not declared in this scope" error
[3 replies] Last: By using the typedef keyword, you make err a type instead of a var... (by LB)
by kal42
cars learning to drive stick shift
[3 replies] Last: i just playing around trying to teach my self but i have no idea were ... (by kal42)
by thenoob78
need to make this code less complicated
[1 reply] : Start by explaining what this code is trying to accomplish. (by LB)
What's the difference between passing an argument by reference and using std::ref? |
[3 replies] Last: > it's helpful when the reference is forwarded towards other functions... (by JLBorges)
by Rashad2
Virtual classes
[1 reply] : Because beta's add is not overrideing alpha's. Look at the arguments. (by Lowest0ne)