Beginners - November 2014 (Page 3)

file IO with structure
I'm having a problem reading a structure from a file, but it works fine saving to a file. I get the error in line 31 saying "error C2678: binary '>>' : no op...
[3 replies] Last: No. If you want to space it out, file>> >> u1.phoneNumber >> ... (by shadowCODE)
function output problem
Hey all so I got a vending machine program and I'm having trouble with this last function to calculate and give back the change. I am passing by referance the n...
[1 reply] : duplicate post w/reply here (by wildblue)
by harrie
[no replies]
by dean
Extending std::streambuf, how to reset the buffer once EOF has been reached?
Hello, I'm try to extend a std::streambuf, to forward the data over a socket. The issue I am facing is that it does not reset the sync() state, once reached....
[1 reply] : Looks like for your buffer of 4, xsputn("alpha",5) returns 3, indicati... (by Cubbi)
unordered maps
Hi, Is there any good example for std unordered map and std set implementation?
[2 replies] Last: unordered map (by shadowCODE)
IF greater than this BUT less than that?!
How do i do this function so IF the totals are > (larger amounts) than the rest but < (less) than the recmax (recommended journey cost) ? tried everything :( ...
[5 replies] Last: right guys! i manalged to do the top solution, it was error free howev... (by DriftKing13)
C programming about distance, please i need help
i am asked to find Euclidean distance of some cities. I will be given Latitude and Longitude coordinates of a city and then, two other cities. Find the closer c...
[7 replies] Last: thank youuu (by closed account DLUk92yv)
can someone please help me solve this question
Q. if originally x=4, y=0 and z=2, what are the values of x,y and z after executing the following code if(z==0||x && !y) if (!z) y=1; else x=2;
[3 replies] Last: x=4, y=1, z=2. and to write a program on this question you copy the c... (by nonsence90)
Reading from a file and storing the data into a structure (1,2)
So what I'm trying to do is to add information to each individual member of the structure with the correct set of data. The output that I'm getting is nothing, ...
[28 replies] Last: Done, easy enough. Problem solve. Thanks for taking time out of your d... (by deathslice)
Tests c++ online
That's a topic I want to open, I suggest here to throw links to free online tests for C++, also propose to discuss some interesting puzzles of these tests. W...
[1 reply] : I'd suggest to apply for an actual job position. It usually involves a... (by dean)
Undefined reference - what changes needed in CMakeLists?
I have a large amount of code, so I have tried to only include the relevant parts of the code here
[2 replies] Last: This thread is also handled at (by tcs)
Array of Structs: Function calls “Undefined” even though they are declared
I am getting 6 errors all pertaining to my function calls in Main. It is saying each identifier is "undefined" even though they are declared within the struct d...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, I'm still getting a bunch of errors in main function calls.... (by JoJodoggy1)
Hi, I am beginner in C++ and I'm trying to figure out how to create a program to check if different words in a strings has the exact same alphabetic characters ...
[13 replies] Last: How (by andromeda121)
Programming Style Question
I have a few variables that will be equal to powers of 10, would it be more appropriate to hardcode these variables like this? int Easy = 10; int Medium ...
[15 replies] Last: difficulty d when implicitly converted to an integer type will have ... (by JLBorges)
by davtk8
Counting number of vowels in a string (1,2)
I want to count all the vowels in a string (a, e, i , o, u) and display it as a text-based histogram for example: The black cat sat up on the orange mat! ...
[21 replies] Last: Yes you could, but, hmm.. if (text == 'a' || text == 'A') Mayb... (by megatron 0)
Table of objects
Hi! I have this kind of problem: My program should work like this: 1.Input the number of points that you want to create. 2.For each point write these: name,x...
[2 replies] Last: ok now it all works corectly but I have to think about it cuz its real... (by martin619)
New to C++
Hey guys, I'm new to C++, I'm reading the C++ primer book, sixth edition, and in chapter 2, listing 2.6, there is a sample code to convert pounds to stones. Es...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, I was referring to the function prototype. It does look like the... (by slimg00dy)
List of commands: [ALL COMMANDS MUST BE IMPLEMENTED IN SEPARATE FUNCTIONS] 1. fd or forward [e.g. forward 60] moves forward 2. bk or backward [e.g. backwa...
[5 replies] Last: Guys i tried everything!! This project is future impossible for me!!! ... (by usman321)
program sometimes takes letters, it shouldn't.
When I run the program and try entering a letter it will either tell the user to re-try and enter a number or it will say incorrect (it's not supposed to. Also ...
[4 replies] Last: int input Taking note that this one is declared without definition (... (by rjvc)
by Nanyo
Exit from console
Hello, everyone, I’m making a program in which, at the end, the user is asked to press ‘e’ to exit. My question is: Is there a function or just anything ...
[8 replies] Last: If you run the program through the command prompt, the window will sta... (by megatron 0)
November 2014 Pages: 12345... 65
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