Beginners - November 2014 (Page 29)

Overloading Operator << Linked List
Hello, I am trying to overload the oprator "<<", but I dont know what i am doing wrong, if someone can help me please, I will be grateful. This is my overloadi...
[4 replies] Last: YES IT WORKS!!! THANKS YOU VERY MUCH MiiNiPaa!! (by Wait for it)
Need help w/linear probe method resolving collisions hash
Hi, I need help with hashing using linear probe method resolving collisions. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how hashing works and what is mean by res...
[no replies]
randomizing the letter p
Well I have this task where I have to count how many times the string "hope" appears anywhere in the given string, except any letter for the 'p' is valid, so wo...
[3 replies] Last: Well I was thinking that the random string generator would only genera... (by deathslice)
by Walnut
ofstream printing
Hi, I've run into the following problem, and I just can't figure out why the program does what it does. My code looks just like the code below, and inside the ...
[6 replies] Last: My question is why the code in the second response doesn't print anyt... (by MiiNiPaa)
by kdg926
Even/odd vector problem
Good morning everyone, first post here but I have been lurking for a bit and you all offer wonderful advice and support. As a brief introduction, I am a sophomo...
[6 replies] Last: You are a saint. (by kdg926)
print my output ".dat"
after development my coding i have fully finish my project but when I look the instruction, my teacher require us take the output to ".dat" and I can find my an...
[4 replies] Last: How could this code be modified to accept input for various zip codes ... (by kdg926)
unsigned key[8] increament problem :(
hi, i wish to generate all possible key combinations ranging: HEX: "0F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF" TO HEX: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF i also test each key aft...
[6 replies] Last: Yes thanks it indeed solve my problem ... i will try improve it furthe... (by newcslover)
by bils
a Simple code
Hi, I'm new in programming. I try to insert the letter 't' in a string with a for loop. Compiler is fine, no error but when I try to see what is in my variab...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks you very much :) I thought can uninitialized like a INT. and t... (by bils)
Minimum number of guards
Hey guys! Let's say we have n elements. 1 2 3 4 ... n Every element has different value 10, 20, 13, 17 ... 12 How would you distribute minimum am...
[9 replies] Last: Do you get the same result for: Let's see! Setup: A = 0, $100 B... (by Disch)
Output the right letters
i wrote a program that shows random grades from 0-100. i want to show the grade valuse but also show only frades from 70 and up. what variable do i have to decl...
[9 replies] Last: Does the function prototype match the function definition? If you go w... (by wildblue)
by Flotsa
This is the error I get
As5.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DisplayNames(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<c...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know that more experience necessarily makes one immune to typo... (by wildblue)
Tell me an easy and efficient function to return all the positions (occurrence) of a word into a string.
I want to create a function that returns all the position of occurrences of a word into a string. Please tell an easy and efficient code.
[1 reply] : Give it a try, then post your code. Start with finding occurrences of... (by PCrumley48)
by Flotsa
string subscript out of range error
I tried searching this site for this, and while people have had this error, I can't seem to find the cause in my code. I'm trying to get a last name from the...
[3 replies] Last: Counting from 1 to MAX assumes that the length of string name will be ... (by PCrumley48)
convert std::string to const char*
how can i convert std::string to const char* so i can use it with the atoi(); function to convert the sub-string to integer Thanks #include<iostream> ...
[1 reply] : You can use the c_str() member function. (by Peter87)
Middle number debug
I wrote this program awhile back and it seemed to work fine. It's supposed to ask the user to enter three numbers and then it outputs the middle number. I reali...
[no replies]
Visual studio: capture video from file
Hi! I'm new here. I have some problems using Visual studio 2010 and Opencv 2.4.9. I'm trying to capture video from file...when I do the debug I haven't any er...
[no replies]
Getting error too few parameters in call to 'nme(char *, char *)
#include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <dos.h> void mm(); void help(); char...
[8 replies] Last: shit thank you AbstractionAnon (by N00batc)
Implementation of link list data structures.
Greetings everyone. I am student and learning data structures. I try very hard to understand the concept of link list methods and implementation in C++ but i ca...
[1 reply] : Introduction: (by anup30)
Code for a "vidbox" prototypes not functions, writings and reading from a file?
The assignments has me updating files throughout the program to keep current records. Also while applying discounts and doing some error checking. I am not al...
[no replies]
Need help with overloading the stream insertion operator
I am trying to display all the content stored in one object to the screen without resorting to a member function that actually displays it for me. Below i ha...
[3 replies] Last: That was a typo. I meant line 57, not 27. Sorry for the confusion. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 65
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