Beginners - November 2014 (Page 25)

help with login system
hi, i made a login system where i can change my info. but when i change the info i can 't use the new ones when i run again. i know that original strings are ...
[no replies]
by canx
iso forbids comparison between pointer and function
I've searched and found several threads on this topic but none have seemed to solve my problem :/ i'm trying to display the balances of accounts 500 and belo...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome, Thank you so much! (by canx)
Sum of fractions
This is a programme for adding up fractions. I am required to use a dynamic array to store the fractions. I have tried to run this programme, and it works for...
[1 reply] : Works fine for me with GNU GCC compiler and codeblocks. (by Funkist)
Program Completed, How To Run It?
I created a C++ program using the IDE codeblocks for the console on Windows 7. Is there a way to run this as a stand-alone executable? As of right now, if I try...
[13 replies] Last: After that , in you project folder there should be a bin folder , with... (by Funkist)
Running into a small problem trying to validate user input
Hello all. I have put together a program that will calculate gross pay for an hourly or a salaried employee. I am having a bit of trouble with my validation loo...
[4 replies] Last: employee.hours; is an integer which means it can't correctly hold the ... (by Yanson)
Help with Transcendental Function Implementation Problem!! Code is written just need more input
I have been working on a c++ project for my computer science class, and this is my first class. I have a code written, but need help with my output. I have look...
[2 replies] Last: Anyone? (by BoomWrx)
by kdg926
Tic tac toe game issues
Good morning. I am writing a simple game of tic tac toe but I need some help getting the code below to be this point I am not sure what I need t...
[no replies]
by Torm04
Coin toss C++
Hello, I am stuck on an assignment once again.. Really all I am confused about is.. I need to make a program the flips a coin a said number of times and it tel...
[2 replies] Last: This helped out a lot thank you so much. -Torm04 (by Torm04)
by goldyn
String keeps returning 0 for letters found
Hey there just learning some string and it keeps returning 0 for the letters found, any idea what I've messed up this time? #include <iostream> #include ...
[2 replies] Last: wow, duh. Thanks. Sometimes you just need another persons eyes to tell... (by goldyn)
Calling a struct from a struct
how can I call the struct inside a struct in this program? struct FoodStorage { string Food; float weight; int Cal; int Pot; bool HasPreser...
[1 reply] : If I change some of that: struct Date{ int Year; int Month; int D... (by keskiverto)
by bmm130
How to pass a char array in a function(s)?
Hello All, I need help with function paramenters. How to I get my board to update after a user enters a move? I've narrowed it down to passing the board through...
[3 replies] Last: @anup30: That is a terrible example. The array c is a local automatic... (by keskiverto)
error LNK2005: Structure already defined
I tried to hold off and not rely on outside sources, but after looking over this program for an hour I simply cannot comprehend why it's feeding me back these e...
[3 replies] Last: Thank both of you, I've never heard of gaurds before. Also nice c... (by skippy3)
Pointing issue.
I'm just getting into pointers and I'm having trouble understanding what the hell is going wrong in my program. I'm trying to allow the user to enter an integer...
[2 replies] Last: I fixed the problem. // Enters the getInput function getInput(&arr... (by seriphim)
1st Classes Program, Can't Call Function
This is my first attempt at a classes / objects program, and I'm just not getting it. The main problem seems to be that I cannot successfully call the function ...
[11 replies] Last: Okay, thanks again for your help! (by AARRGGHHH)
Error Statement
I got an error statement here, i can't find it. can you help me? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { strin...
[2 replies] Last: I got an error statement here How do you get that error? Is it a com... (by keskiverto)
Trouble with assigning dominoes to players for a game
Hi all, So I'm in the process of making a two player domino game, but I'm having a weird problem of when I get the dominoes from the bag into the players "ha...
[4 replies] Last: And it worked! Thank you so much. And about the random part, the prof... (by banksters)
by gmac
computing the square root
[9 replies] Last: i worked on your first code #include <iostream> using namespace std; ... (by anup30)
comparing two strings
This program is supposed ask the user to input two phrases and return whether they are the same or not. It's working for a single word, but for some reason it s...
[2 replies] Last: Why all the logic in your "compare" function. Your using C++ strings w... (by jlb)
by kdg926
Zip code program help
Good morning all, I am having a little trouble with getting the desired output from my program that converts numeric zip codes into their postal bar code equiva...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int char_to_int( char c ) // c... (by JLBorges)
ifstream not working!!!
I want to see if my program works but the file that I want to open wont open!!! The numbers that the program should get are as follows: 47 89 65 36 12 25...
[2 replies] Last: Let's start by looking at this snippet: // ifstream infile; cout ... (by jlb)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 65
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