Beginners - November 2014 (Page 22)

I need help with reading contents from file1(which is all uppercase) and then changing all letters to lowercase except the first letter of each sentence, which ...
[5 replies] Last: I almost gave up, but I finally figured it out!! I had to just relax a... (by student89)
by ML080
binary '+': no global operator found...
Hello I am new to C++ and I need help with a homework assignment. We were told to write functions based on a code for the main function. This is how the output...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks I`m afraid I still do not quite understand how to fix these pro... (by ML080)
by harrie
array substraction
wrong thread name
[no replies]
by Jon15
Method of the string class
Hi, I am trying to write a program that will ask the user for their name and a random input of characters. Then, it should output to the screen the random strin...
[7 replies] Last: Try to avoid global variables. Q: Can you tell the essential differen... (by keskiverto)
by harrie
array and doubles.
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std;
[2 replies] Last: thank you peter fixed it. (by harrie)
Input Numbers and Sort them ascending
Hello everyone! I am new with C++ and I am trying to write 10 numbers via the "cin" command and then to sort them ascending (e.g if I wrote 32, 23, 65, 45, 22, ...
[1 reply] : I just had to update the iostream header and return int from main, but... (by wildblue)
quick answer please
My program works, but when I run the program again it and type new input. The screen also prints the input from the previous iteration. #include <iostre...
[3 replies] Last: The problem is that you're appending to tres without clearing it betwe... (by dhayden)
by koko82
Linked list stumped
Hi All, I am trying to get my head around linked lists. But not got a clue why my code isnt updating the p_head of list. It looks like within the function it...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply wild blue. Yes, I made a massive school boy error... (by koko82)
Edit: New topic
[1 reply] : You use max = digits - '0' in some places but not others. Check lin... (by wildblue)
Issue With Modifying Value in Character in Char Array
I'm currently working my way through Ivor Horton's book on Visual C++ 2012. I'm working on the third exercise at the end of chapter 4. The exercise is to change...
[3 replies] Last: Well, my first reply seems to have gotten lost. Thank you for the hel... (by killingthemonkey)
Getters in class don't work. Cannot print data from my class variables
Here's my program. I wrote lots of getters and setters. Also I use inheritance in my code. But I cannot print the variables. I don't want to use overloading out...
[2 replies] Last: Peter87, Thanks a lot (by Luchnik)
array of struct as function parameter
I'm trying to pass an array of struct to a function, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the correct syntax. Here's my struct and array definition: ...
[1 reply] : Function prototype (and its definition) should have parameters in form... (by MiiNiPaa)
Printing object array incorrectly
I dont know why my program keeps printing the array like this! records.txt 123 Jose Garcia 99 345 Luis Garcia 87 234 Jazlyn Soriano 79 456 Carter Sander ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! i got it! (by ezmesori)
by kdg926
Vigenère Cipher code
Good evening everyone, how would I go about modifying this code to accept input from the user rather than using a predetermined string? Specifically, I need the...
[11 replies] Last: Forget about parsing command line arguments for the moment. Implement ... (by JLBorges)
by iluv41
reading multiple lines of input using infile?
Hello, I have a file I need to read from, with student names, their class, and their grades in the class. Right now, the code I have can read the first 3 studen...
[2 replies] Last: getline wouldnt work for getting the ints though would it? (by iluv41)
by harrie
arranging array into separate line
void loop
[1 reply] : Any reason why you can't use two loops i.e. loop 1, count in steps of... (by swp147)
Is getline causing my program to crash why?
the user inputs two strings to compare. The first string is the matching string and the second string is the string that will compared with the first string. th...
[11 replies] Last: no worries dude anytime. (by mutexe)
Array of structs from a file
I have to create a program that reads in a master file of baseball stats and a file of new 2014 stats. I have to update the master file with the information fro...
[2 replies] Last: Alright here is some updated code. The only problem is i don't know wh... (by dgwyatt)
IsAlpha function not accepting my input.
So the purpose of the isalpha function is that it only accepts letters(a-z) but that doesn't seem to be the case for my code. If I input the letter p, the error...
[4 replies] Last: Well, in C, you have to walk through the whole string and test each el... (by swp147)
by KickAz
find how many temperatures were hotter than 22 and how many were colder than 10(code inside)
Guys, I'm trying to write a program: Write a program that will find how many temperatures were hotter than 22 and how many were colder than 10 (using functio...
[4 replies] Last: as jezze said you need to loop through your array in your functions. u... (by mutexe)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 65
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