What purpose does a class access specification have? |
[1 reply] : See http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_inheritance.htm clas... (by keskiverto)
by ftothemizzo
Vector subscript out of range error
[1 reply] : What if that is preceeded by: int y { 42 }; vector<int> a { y }; ---... (by keskiverto)
by BlancoRaul
Create a file containing the following car numbers, number of miles driven, and number of gallons of gas used by each car
[5 replies] Last: For average miles per gallon you just divide miles/gallon. For the tot... (by danghotties)
by HG319
tic tac toe game, check is board is full and is position is taken
[3 replies] Last: Can you repost your code? (by PCrumley48)
by ezmesori
Delete more than one record from .txt file
[2 replies] Last: Ahh, i see. But i cant put it == to Student(id, firstName, lastName,... (by ezmesori)
by JoJodoggy1
getline function
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I tried to establish a string array like this, and I'm gett... (by JoJodoggy1)
by leashbomb69
finding least and greatest number
[2 replies] Last: An indirect hint: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/minmax_... (by keskiverto)
by melgunn6
Calculating incorrectly- HELP please
[6 replies] Last: got it, thanks! (by melgunn6)
Pointers with Images Help |
[8 replies] Last: You should be using standard containers for that. My guess is you p... (by kbw)
by melgunn6
Can someone please help me write this program
[3 replies] Last: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/ceil/ (by keskiverto)
by riceballs
Sum of Digits in a String
[2 replies] Last: As tcs mentioned it's a char. To convert simply subtract '0' (by giblit)
by Luchnik
Multiple inheritance. Ambiguous access errors
[2 replies] Last: And favour #include <iostream> over #include "iostream" ... (by JLBorges)
by xxgixxx
hangman game help !
[no replies]
by Funkist
Can i use = between class instances?
[1 reply] : You can do so! See http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/y8hv0pDG/ for how... (by tcs)
by Getdahorns
Need help with return functions
[16 replies] Last: thank you! You're great! (by melgunn6)
by robert410
Help with a function please!
[3 replies] Last: The point of a function taking parameters is that the parameters affec... (by LB)
by Dexterr
the If loop is not recognizing my variable?
[2 replies] Last: Yes sir, the text given to me requested that I have to allow correctio... (by Dexterr)
by victor6
need C++ code for a simple program.
[2 replies] Last: can u make code for me. im just a beginner at c++. welcome. cpp file s... (by victor6)
by programiNOOB
Help with loops, total noob here.
[7 replies] Last: Yes, it way better your way. so for for loop i did for(zn;(zn>='A... (by programiNOOB)
by DAoliHVAR
c++ 11 vs 98
[6 replies] Last: The GNU people think that you should have to specifically initiate C... (by Duthomhas)