Beginners - November 2014 (Page 18)

do-while loop...I think.
I need to do a do-while loop as my for loops keep track of the numbers. Example: How many numbers would you like? 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 How many more numbers ...
[1 reply] : You can use a dynamic array to store the user's input in. Using a dyna... (by danghotties)
Area Calculator problems.
I am relatively new to programming. I started working on this calculator to calculate area. What I believe is the problem is the int length; line and the int wi...
[4 replies] Last: std::string is a class that holds 0 or more characters. http://www.c... (by AbstractionAnon)
error C3861: 'stonetolb': identifier not found
Write your question here. Hi. I am new to C++ and could not find anything on here that worked with my coding. Can someone explain why I am getting this error an...
[1 reply] : google function prototypes, because im not sure you know what those ar... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by Lucy2
Need help with a string
After the user enters the integers, they get a message about winning or losing. How do i keep i going ask if they want to play again. If they type yes keep go...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks so much Hp of Legend. This is perfect! (by Lucy2)
constructor assign question
two constructors, one is default and another one is parameter taking. I am wondering what value should I assign to the bold part. should those be "M", "F", "0",...
[1 reply] : 1. I think you're right. But indeed this may depend on your ideas of w... (by tcs)
analyzing text file for letters of alphabet
I am writing a program and I am having some trouble finishing it Here is my prompt: Write a program which analyzes a text file by counting the number of t...
[no replies]
by K0d0
Trouble reading in info
I'm working on a program that reads in data from a list of music albums, and then swaps the songs and albums into alphabetical order. Information:http://pas...
[1 reply] : If you only want to write to stdout what you get from stdin, then your... (by tcs)
Program is not giving output, why?
Its taking input into a loop. But not giving any output..why? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n,r,c=0,p=0; cin>...
[1 reply] : Besides the output, look carefully at lines 14 and 22. What if n star... (by PCrumley48)
NEED HELP. very confused.
My teachers assignment sheet: AN interesting number is a non negative integer that contains at least one digit having the value 7. A REALLY interesting number ...
[5 replies] Last: JoshHenry, yes that helps so much! Thank you for the explanation as we... (by rddscalif)
by Koolal
while menu.
I am trying to create a menu, its started ok it asked me to repeat the program but this it doesn't do it properly. { char letter; int corners=0; do...
[1 reply] : In your while loop you have something like "if the letter is a capital... (by danghotties)
my zipcode
i solved my previous problem but in order to create 10 different zipcode where should i put the loop I tried put loop at every function it does not work and I t...
[no replies]
Help with linear search funtion.
I have written a function for my code in which I have a .txt file with an array of 50 with only 11 numbers inserted. Therefore at the beginning of this function...
[no replies]
Sorting a multimap in alphabetical order
How can I sort a multimap in alphabetical order? I would think it would go something like below but that gives me a segmentation fault. bool alpha_order(cons...
[7 replies] Last: It would work. Though it would change the structure of your program (a... (by JLBorges)
String and goto, student project
if (orderone == 1) { orderoneprice=7200; cout << "AMD A10 7700k\t Php 7,200.00"<<"\n\n"<< endl; cout<<"How many PCS?"<<endl; cin...
[no replies]
Why the program is not giving output?
I've written the following program..but it is only taking input into a loop but not giving any output. Why? #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Your code has no way of exiting the while loops. the variable r is no... (by crimsonzero2)
Pass by reference
I need to change this code from a return function to a pass by reference, but its not a math problem so I'm not sure what i need to do: // File: Lab 22P1.cpp...
[17 replies] Last: thanks for your help! I finally think i have it correct! (by melgunn6)
"Global" definitions to use in loops?
Hello all, I´m such a beginner that I don`t even know what would be right words for google search... So, sorry for pollution ;) Trying to learn bit coding ...
[3 replies] Last: 1) Can I accidentally give "menubutton" a in-correct value, maybe 2? ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with default parameter value
I need help writing a default parameter for my online assignment, I have some code written but cannot figure it out. I will include the example given and I only...
[3 replies] Last: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; // nee... (by rafae11)
Overloading operators
I have a program that is giving me some unexpected data in the output window, and I am not sure why it is there. I will include all code so you can run it for ...
[8 replies] Last: The line numbers did remain the same, because I only removed and repla... (by DEnumber50)
by kdg926
Switching code to Class/object structure
My latest task is to take a code for a game of tic tac toe and change the format into a class/object structure. I have begun to make the change but could I get ...
[2 replies] Last: That's funny you mention its a poor definition as it was the one provi... (by kdg926)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 65
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