Beginners - November 2014 (Page 16)

by csharp
function to change array size
Hello, I am trying to write a function to check if we need to resize an array to fit the new values. please someone explain what should I do with my funct...
[7 replies] Last: // resize dynamic array on the go //anup 23.11.2014 #include <iostrea... (by anup30)
Disjoint graphs, minimum spanning tree
I'm having trouble when making minimum spanning trees from a disjoint graph using adjacency matrix. It works if all the edges are connected in some way or anoth...
[no replies]
reading streams and nested structures
I'm writing a program to read sections of the boot sector of a hard drive. I'm fairly new to a few elements in this program so I have no doubt I did something...
[no replies]
can you help me on this question
can you help me on this question A model of world population in billions of people is given by the equation Population = 4.08e^0.019t where t is the t...
[6 replies] Last: Actually the reason is that my teacher said that we mostly gonna use i... (by BlancoRaul)
by vxk
Can somebody explain what is happening in the cout stamenent in the following piece of code ? how is it working ?? #include <iostream> int main() { ...
[2 replies] Last: It uses comma operator. Which works like "Execute left side argument, ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Cannot creating new double*
Hi, This code while creating 'u' have an error. Please Help me. #include <math.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #def...
[1 reply] : What is the error? (by Peter87)
Hello, I really haven`t programmed much lately because just finishing my college, anyway here was my project some weeks ago: Write a tic-tac-toe - using a...
[6 replies] Last: Nice, I think I have another idea how wins could be checked. Now, howe... (by pacman169)
by oseri
Function arguments - array of pointers or pointer to array ?
Hi, Let's say we have following function declaration : void print(int *kau ) How do I tell whether kau is pointer to an array or an array of po...
[3 replies] Last: int *kau /// here kau //will store datatype of the ty... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Trying to print array in reverse
Hi, As part of a program I'm doing I'm trying to print an array in reverse. I thought I had figured it out as part of a larger program but it was outputting on...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much. works great. I just moved the cout to the second for... (by steve3194)
Question about for loop.
Ok so my class is being taught experimentally where my class is group work, and the other class regular lectures. The program at hand is going to accept as inpu...
[3 replies] Last: is i just a loop counter? Yes. Does that variable need to be r... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with a nested loop program
Can you guys help me do this program i need to make a tree out of a stars with a nested loop, i sure can do the nested loop but i cant output the stars in the ...
[2 replies] Last: * ** **** ****** ** ** ** edit= idk... (by programiNOOB)
having problems in installing SDL 2 (1,2)
i download SDL 2 and tried to install it by watching setup tutorials i done everything as they said but still nothing work (i tried 10+- different tutorials )...
[25 replies] Last: THAT WORKED!!!!!! :D thank you very much man you really help me :) (by amielsd123)
by ejcpp
I have to format my program in a certain structure. The structure is //Program Header int main() //Declarations //Inputs //Calculations/Processings //Outputs /...
[6 replies] Last: One option if you want to keep the switch statement is to divide avg b... (by AbstractionAnon)
weird problem in while loop
when ever i run the program its send me to a infinit loop where its suppose to stop after 200 loops i already check that by doing a for loop when (int I = 0;I...
[5 replies] Last: Change while ( A != B ) to something like const double d = .000... (by PCrumley48)
Can't Use My Classes
This program is working fine as a procedural program, but I cannot get it to run as a classes/object-oriented program. All of the work for the program is bein...
[1 reply] : you cannot enter directly to a private variable. you need accessors. ... (by rafae11)
by Lucy2
Need in a loop
I have the code to ask a user to enter 3 numbers then they win or lose. How do I add the code to ask them if they want to continue and if they say yes then star...
[6 replies] Last: // ConsoleApplication5.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console ... (by rafae11)
by Juicej
Can't Get My Bullets to move
the bullet sprite only remain in the area i set it when i run my program... i've tried a few different logics but it stays dre, i'm wondering now if setposition...
[12 replies] Last: thanks much.. really appreciated (by Juicej)
by k99
Logic for Array method
Hi All, Is it really possible to create the array methods like searchseq, sum, sort with logic or we had to memorize it? How can i improve on the logic, i...
[no replies]
Dynamic 2D array allocation help
Hello cpp! I have a problem, I get undesired output. My program simply ask the user for the 2D array indices and then COUT them. For some reason, the output ...
[10 replies] Last: is it perfect now? your delete process is still wrong. you need for... (by anup30)
by Tgrede
Long int and int have the same max value?
So I recently started programming and in the lesson i'm on it is teaching about integer types. I found the use of int, and how to use INT_MAX to find the max ou...
[3 replies] Last: No. If you really need more than 32 bit, use long long type. (by MiiNiPaa)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 65
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