by abdalimran
How to erase all non alphanumeric characters from a string?
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all! :) (by abdalimran)
by DrJones
Create a 2d vector of pair ints
[8 replies] Last: class Test{ public: vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> Objects; }; v... (by keskiverto)
by skimmer001
random num gen
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <random> // (by JLBorges)
by aj3423
question about split compiling
[2 replies] Last: Indeed, but it's still slow.l (by aj3423)
by lonelylense
class with operator overloading , read and write in file
[no replies]
by lordzedd
Character Converter Class (1,2,3)
[46 replies] Last: I'm glad you have this figured out. (by swp147)
by speakerboy
Reading chars into an array
[6 replies] Last: SOLVED! Here is the correct code: #include<iostream> using namespace... (by speakerboy)
Undefined Reference To.... Error |
[2 replies] Last: Sonofa.... Yeah, that was the issue. I knew it was something basi... (by Blackwell7six)
by Extreme112
RNG Won't Initialize
[1 reply] : You need to #include <ctime> he probably can compile without it beca... (by giblit)
by gabrielzin
Expression arithmetic with cell
[7 replies] Last: You may want to read up on postfix-infix and vice versa conversion. It... (by giblit)
the game of life |
[5 replies] Last: thanks man (by NickNingaba93)
by fourkawhell
QuickSort - Recursion Problem !!
[no replies]
by Schwarz
Help with 2d array
[1 reply] : Anyone to help ? (by Schwarz)
by koko82
Recursion array is it right?
[1 reply] : It would be nice to have some descriptive symbolic names for your cons... (by tcs)
by klanier
ennumeration/namespace code
[4 replies] Last: I might of overdone it when changing the deriveClassLevel(...), thanks... (by klanier)
by JackHawk
Code compiles but input and output is incorrect
[2 replies] Last: This is helpful for sure thank you I figured out some other problems i... (by JackHawk)
by koko82
Recursion perception help.
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, got to the part of stack, but when I did a cout o... (by koko82)
by jdougherty
Problem with file input.
[2 replies] Last: So how would I print it out? I think I have tried just about everythin... (by jdougherty)
c++ how do i create a adjacency matrix from 2 files |
[no replies]
by geonightmare
Geometric nightmare
[4 replies] Last: Ok, it's very embarrasing. Now I see it. Let's say x = cos (theta). ... (by geonightmare)