Beginners - November 2014 (Page 10)

Flat 3D array
I have been stuck on this task for quite a while. I need to extend my 2d flat array to 3d. I know that doing it this way isn't the best, but I have to. I includ...
[5 replies] Last: Use your 2D allocator inside the 3D allocator: double *** aloc3df(int... (by dhayden)
by Alahrs
Initialization of variables
Hey, is there any difference between these three options? In java I only used the '=' one. int x = 7; int y (8); int z {9}; The book I am reading uses {}...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your time explaining it to me. Really appreciate it! (by Alahrs)
How to save information in program and user can use it when he exit the program and Run again. . .
My question is how can i save the information & use again after exiting the program and Run it again.In other words, How can i save my info like that i can use ...
[3 replies] Last: Untested: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> in... (by LB)
Fishing Game
Good Afternoon everyone. I have been working on a fishing game that bases your caught fish off of a die that is being rolled. I know the code is not perfect. I ...
[4 replies] Last: You would want a while loop around lines 34 and 35. Your do loop a... (by AbstractionAnon)
by sdl517
newbie correct if/else statement argument??
Hi! I am an ultra beginner at c++, and am trying to teach myself. I have created a problem and am looking for the correct way to express an argument in an if/...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much!! Got it to work! (by sdl517)
Error with a Function Return
I was assigned to write a program that would calculate the total cost of installing carpet. I had the whole program written, but when I went to run it the outpu...
[1 reply] : installprice(length, width, costpersqft); cout << endl ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Undefined Reference
Hello guys. I'm doing a practical work and i had to make a shorter path algorithm. I coded everything but i get this error: undefined reference to `calcular_...
[2 replies] Last: OMG, i can't believe i'm so stupid. Thank you for your help. BTW, the... (by Fedelway)
help with a looking problems
Write a complete C++ program that prompts the user to enter a value for n, the number of terms of the series to be summed up. Your program then repeatedly compu...
[1 reply] : ^ is a bitwise operator. In 2s complement x^-1 == ~x You probably wa... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Xolin
Error with Vectors
i am going through this intro to C++ book and the end of chapter challenge is to make a vector in which you can add, search and display game titles help in a ve...
[2 replies] Last: ahh....that Damn search function.... Here was my fix for that //Sea... (by Xolin)
Performing calculations from strings
Hi, I am using visual studio 2012 and c++ language to create a windows form that serves as a time card for employees. I'm stuck in the part where I subtract the...
[1 reply] : Hello, I've not really done any CLI programming in C++ but I think I c... (by Tom56785)
by arodz
Ascii to binary
Hi there, I'm trying to write a program on c++ that asks you type a character (a-z) and then prints the value of it in ASCII and binary. So far I can let it ...
[1 reply] : cout << bitset<8>(c) << endl; (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
bus reservation system
This is what I have so far. It has no errors but has trouble running. The project must include 1. the Adding and Removal of records, 2. the Modification of r...
[2 replies] Last: I agree on the code tags! Not hard to do, makes it a lot easier to se... (by PCrumley48)
creating and using a group of variables HELP!
Hi here is the problem, Write a program to do the following. Ask the user to enter the balance of 5 saving accounts. Store the data in an array. Then do the ...
[6 replies] Last: Line 18: i has gone out of scope at line 13. You want to get the ba... (by AbstractionAnon)
loop with bigNo (1,2)
is about this problem: Given this scheme below: ABCDE / FGHI = 9 How many solutions are there to the puzzle for the digits 1 to 9 being use once and only...
[28 replies] Last: true, but we've got to draw the style consideration line somewhere! :)... (by PCrumley48)
Printing values from a switch
The switch case doensnt seem to work. It prints the values after I added them and I can´t figure out why. // Phonebook #include <iostream> #include ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks mutexe! (by patriic48)
How to update code during execution?
I'm creating a choice-based survival game. I want it so that, upon entering the option screen, the options are displayed and a timer is triggered. If the user d...
[5 replies] Last: > Here's the errors I got: > error: invalid use of incomplete type 'cl... (by JLBorges)
cin to vector with class member
I get some errors on this code but i don´t know why. // Phonebook #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> u...
[5 replies] Last: Got it to work!!! Thanks MuNiPaa!!!!! // Phonebook #include <iostre... (by patriic48)
Using array only
Develop a c++ program that asks a user to enter a c haracter and a sentence then displays the location of that character present in that sente nce (Assume sp...
[2 replies] Last: for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if(a == b) cout<<i<<" "; }... (by shadowCODE)
arrays show wrong computation
I'm trying to find the grade average using 2 dimensional arrays but the computations are always wrong. It's like they're off by only a tiny bit but they're pret...
[1 reply] : Could you give an example of some input, what you get as output, and w... (by Zhuge)
homework help text file to structure
Ok, so I know how structure look but don't know how to use it on my code I need help setting up the structure and reading in the text and printing the results b...
[1 reply] : Like so: int main() { //Cannot figure out how to do structures and... (by coder777)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 89101112... 65
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