by solid648
Please help with error
[2 replies] Last: Can someone look over the code and help me with the linreg function an... (by solid648)
by amaltese
Time Format(Military to Standard)
[no replies]
by LATCH100
string find question
[1 reply] : There's an example here if this is what you are looking for. http://ww... (by wildblue)
by MrBond90
[3 replies] Last: I edited this post cuz it was a duplicate but noe cant delete it. so w... (by MrBond90)
the closest city c program please help |
[3 replies] Last: Also, an sphere is not a plane. (by ne555)
by justinc978
String to an int conversion... gah
[3 replies] Last: I basically need to convert the cards to numbers after the user has se... (by justinc978)
by elite zero
Vectors and Unions
[4 replies] Last: I used the back inserter, that's a pretty simple and useful tool. Than... (by elite zero)
help me |
[no replies]
by last wish
making password of four digits using getch and without pressing enter key
[no replies]
by HG319
Convert some variables in a vector from string to float or double
[3 replies] Last: Yes, so in your case you could do something like this, if I'm understa... (by Ganado)
by extreme
Can't assign array according to formula
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that fixed it :) (by extreme)
by EvE12
Series output.
[13 replies] Last: Try using netbeans, its not bad. If you really don't like it, try not... (by elite zero)
Bank Charge C program, is this okay? |
[6 replies] Last: i don't agree either but that's the right answer according to the solu... (by closed account DLUk92yv)
by davtk8
Reversing alternate (even) words in a string
[2 replies] Last: MiiNiPaa gave some suggestions for the word reversing problem in this ... (by wildblue)
Cant assign array form initializer list |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by abdalimran
After converting double to string using to_string() it shows invalid string length.
[1 reply] : The to_string function appears to be appending 0s when converting to... (by wildblue)
by pacman169
Tictactoe 100
[7 replies] Last: Awesome! Just a little note. It is not actually worth of defining ful... (by pacman169)
can anyone give me a hint on how to convert a digit to its english description? |
[1 reply] : say int n< 1billion. n = 999,777,321 count how many digits n have. m... (by anup30)
by harrie
[4 replies] Last: thank you fixed that (by harrie)
by martin619
qsort function
[9 replies] Last: I made few changes in my program and now it works correctly! Thx much ... (by martin619)