Beginners - November 2013 (Page 72)

relational expression
Indicate if it is true or false. a) x <= y is the same as y>x b) x != y is the same as y >= x c) x >= y is the same as y <= x
[3 replies] Last: Depends on the types of x and y (by Cubbi)
by dilver
Caesar Cipher (1,2)
we all know that Caeasar Cipher accepts only alphabets from A-Z and its key is n<=26. Caesar Cipher does not accept numbers. last night , I found an exercise ...
[36 replies] Last: [quote=JLBorges]The strength of a cipher - which incidentally does hav... (by BHX)
Number of days in the month
So I have to code a program that will output how many days are in the month not excluding leaper year. I have placed the code below, and I unable to find the er...
[3 replies] Last: The error message should give you the number of the line on which the ... (by MikeyBoy)
by agt
Unable to understand error messages
Hi all. I have been working on a small project of mine. A programming language. Above link is it's git repository. I ha...
[4 replies] Last: @coder777: I don't use any #defines in my code. They're ugly. There is... (by agt)
how to use string as command
Hello, im making a console like math calculator and i cant seem to find a way to get the string input. it cuts the string. also, how do i read the string "add ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks. helped a lot. would you please explain this so i can understam... (by CountVlad)
by hint89
hi..i need some help here..
convert a positive integer code into its english name equivalent for digit. A valid code is of size between four (4) to six (6) digits inclusive. A zero is not ...
[11 replies] Last: hi there.. for my problem..i try to solve it..but i'm stuck now...i'm... (by hint89)
You can modify the Dog class or create a new class. I would advise you to create another class. This class should have at least 2 attributes with the associated...
[no replies]
by gilley
How to count choosen answers ?
HI guys, I have been learning c++ from book called "jumping into c++" and and the end of one part, there was a task, and it goes like this Write a program t...
[1 reply] : You'll need to declare variables to store the number of times each ans... (by MikeyBoy)
by Ace94
Can anyone help me with this task?
It will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance. "Énter a triangle and calculate the sine of its maximal angle. The triangle is defined by the coordinates of i...
[9 replies] Last: A task like that is clearly homework. The sole purpose of homework is... (by keskiverto)
labeling and totaling 2d arrays
How do I add labels to rows and columns of a 2d array? How do I print a total at the end of each row and at the bottom of each column? This code is from Bucky's...
[2 replies] Last: The basic idea would be something like this: (probably contains things... (by JLBorges)
Student Programmer needs help/
I am writing a program for class and i am stumped on file part. in the program I need to Write a program that asks for user input such as name, hours of interne...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much, you were a great help. And you answer were clear. T... (by kmartar)
by toast9
function logic errors
I know I have some logic errors, but I can't seem to find them. My exit number (-1) isn't working right, so thats one of them. Plus my system clear isn't workin...
[8 replies] Last: You sure you didn't put the breakpoint there. Nothing worng with line ... (by vin)
max/min/average help?
hello i wrote the code after so many attempts as a c++ beginner, and i just need to output to the oufile besides the grades of each student a statistics cate...
[1 reply] : what exactly doesn't work? (by coder777)
win32 cosole
how to make programm which give sum of digit of a given number in c++??????????e.number =123 sum of digits=6.
[3 replies] Last: I gave you the key information. Try to write the program yourself base... (by Chervil)
Assignment need help !
Exercise – Item Class: Create a class Item with the following private attributes:  Item ID: should be an integer attribute.  Item Name: should be a char...
[1 reply] : #ifndef ITEM_H #define ITEM_H class Item { private: int It... (by JPwaked)
by mkory
Hello please help me.
I need some help with this program. The task is to write a complete program that evaluate a formula in terms of y and x. The formula is y=x*x*x*x-x*x*x-7*x*x+...
[1 reply] : The "positive, negative, zero" counters: Count is obviously 0 before y... (by keskiverto)
by Lybech
Backwards mapping?
Hello. I am making a program to scale a greyscale picture. The code is working for me and gives me the picture I want, but it is asked to do backwards mappin...
[2 replies] Last: This is what i got so far: int newDimY = img.rows; int newDimX = img.... (by Lybech)
by h4ever
Unresolved externals
I have made changes to source code of a GNU project AOKTS and I did this errors which I dont know how they happen: r:\project_folder\view\aokts.cpp(418): ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I solved the problem. (by h4ever)
binary search in array
How do you find the binary search in the array ? please help void loadArray( int a , int &cnt, ifstream &infile ) { while( cnt < MAX && infile >> a ) cn...
[5 replies] Last: In code tags and with some indentation, and moved comments a bit: int... (by keskiverto)
by tce19
This programm calculates the wind chill index using user-entered values of air temperature and wind speed. My question is why the program does not execute my if...
[1 reply] : you declared wind_chill twice (by wwwiii)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 7071727374... 80
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