Beginners - November 2013 (Page 7)

by Garion
Start a program from within a program.
Does anybody know where I can read about how to start a program from within a program. Then have the secondary program return a value to the main program when i...
[6 replies] Last: edit.. nvm I figured this out. When I get tired and frustrated I can'... (by Garion)
Data sorting in text files
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I was having doubts so I asked here just to make sure. void d... (by sanasuke15)
The system cannot find the file specfied
Well this has been happing for a while now not only with allegro(im just posting my code in case) even with other programs The system cannot find the file sp...
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how can i read data file by C++?
i have a matlab output data with more than 600,000 rows and 4 columns. i want to read this file by C++ and put it in same array for next data processing, whi...
[3 replies] Last: Would unsigned int, double, double, double describe one entry? Make... (by keskiverto)
in body of function can i use that function???how
[1 reply] : You're talking about recursion. Check out: (by tipaye)
Random elements from linked list
Hello, I have a linked list that holds data about people (name, age, gender, race, etc) and I need to be able to get two random elements(one male, one female) ...
[1 reply] : You can implement an index into a list<A> functionally: template <cla... (by ShodanHo)
Plz Help! Deleting a node from a Linked List
Write your question here. Hello! i keep getting an error when the compiler gets to the while loop. I want to use this function to delete a node that contains...
[5 replies] Last: C++...have not tried that yet with linked lists because Structs are wh... (by crankage3)
Switch Structure Do while Loop
I have a switch structure here. Suppose the user enters in a default value. Well I want the user to try it again. I have contructed a do while loop but cant see...
[6 replies] Last: thank you tipaye and the rest of the users who offered their insight o... (by fahmankhan75)
Running total
My problem has the user enter a name and sales total three times. I then have a table that displays the three names and their sales along with a gross total of ...
[1 reply] : s .total = total+s .sales; Here you're saying that each salesman'... (by Renthalkx97)
help with setprecision (about distance calculator)
code removed
[2 replies] Last: shadow fiend, thank you! that fixed it (by closed account D2yM4iN6)
Declaring AM/PM as a string
So I have to make a clock in HH:MM:SS AM/PM format with the AM and PM being part of the string. Here is my code. ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Clock &...
[10 replies] Last: ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Clock &time){ if(time.mHours>12){... (by jkelly18)
by Jazpy
When should auxiliary functions be class members?
I have the following question, if there are 2 classes that consist of a private variable of type std::map , and a constructor that reads data from a save fil...
[no replies]
Simple collision in Allegro
Okay so I'm a beginner to allegro and I this it real quick to try to figure out how to make a platformer. I'm having trouble with collision. I know how to detec...
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Hide Blinking Cursor? Menu Selection and Formatting
I've been working with loops and getch() to create interactive menus in the console, and have been able to embellish them with formatting after making them func...
[4 replies] Last: Interestingly, the console seems to revert to it's default each time, ... (by CplusplusAcolyte)
Array Bar Chart
Hey everyone, I need help with one thing on this array. I already asked about this particular program, but I still need help. My problem is on line 22. The age ...
[2 replies] Last: Sweet thanks a ton! (by Queso36)
by hilft
Overloaded operators Help!
Hi, can someone explain me line by line what the compiler is doing? I don't understand how the = operator swaps the (x,y) of v1. The output was ( 8,4 ) ...
[2 replies] Last: Line 7: Don't write V(void) -- instead write V() . Lines 8-12: Lin... (by Duthomhas)
Help with making a Roulette game
I'm writing a program for class and I have to make multiple games. I'm working on the first game (Roulette). The game asks the player for: their name, how many...
[1 reply] : strcpy_s(name, strlen(f) + 1, f) In c++ (or C in this case), string... (by blueberry)
simple calculator gone wron need help.
hi im a newbie her (forgive my poor english) i have an assignment to vreat a simple calculator that lets a user input 2 separate numbers and perform any chosen ...
[5 replies] Last: ups: case 'd': cout<<"The Divisio of the 2 numbers you have given is ... (by Edevan)
help understanding and debugging code(Templates and Pointers)
I'm sorry I keep bombarding you guys with this problem but its really bothering me that I can't get it. This is the newest batch of errors i get In file i...
[3 replies] Last: Basically what im trying to do is imitate a soda machine using an link... (by byronflds)
problem accessing global variable
Hi, I have a problem with global variable of type which i defined by myself. here is what happened: In file "A.h" I define a structure: typedef struct...
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November 2013 Pages: 1... 56789... 80
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