Beginners - November 2013 (Page 6)

Help, I don't know how to clear input when using getch()...
My code takes characters as _getch() , and I have an annoying problem that when the user enters multiple keys it executes every single one of them and so the p...
[4 replies] Last: Well it's more like this, the reason for the gotoxy function and the a... (by Tiger58)
Hi again. I am once again having a hard time understanding the concepts in this C++ book. There's this program in the book that's supposed to demonstrate poly...
[10 replies] Last: Okay, I get it. Well, thanks again, this has been very educational. (by Explodey)
Help: Pyramid Nested Loop Pattern is inverted
The output that I need is this: ---------------------------------------------------- Enter Preferred Number: (any number from 0-9)(ex. 5) 1 1_2 ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for the help guys....really appreciated it! =) (by JMichaelC20)
by Edevan
Problems whit queue
Hello there i am still a newbie and i really having troubles trying to understand how to make a queue, do you have some advise to build one?
[1 reply] : It's quite fitting that you... (by Danny Toledo)
by ITR
Get multiple values from cin
Hi! I'm currently in a competition, and I'm practicing by doing some tasks from last year. I found out that they test most programs by giving an input in one si...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, that worked, but how? the cin>> operator will extract a v... (by Chervil)
by SloPro
Loop and array - variable not being set properly
Hello, I am trying to make a simple program which will generate random numbers up to a predetermined limit and take count of how many times each number repea...
[2 replies] Last: Oh crap, I've been looking the code for over 2 hours now and I haven't... (by SloPro)
long prime
Hello, I have been learning c++ for two months and know the beginner stuff. one of the assignments I have is to write a program that could produce immensely l...
[13 replies] Last: With array: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #... (by ynooran)
by Fouj
KMP implementation
please help me in removing the error :( im not getting it..ur help will be appreciated. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int *prefunc(string ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, I still haven't worked out the logic (no time or energy :0), so I... (by tipaye)
by h4ever
What's the problem here? using namespace std; main(){ std::istream_iterator<int,ptrdiff_t> streamIterator1(input), end1; } Error: ------ Build started: ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks (by h4ever)
help me....please.....
hello..... i'm new user of code block.... after installation code block and mingw.... its show this massage to me.... no such file or directory i did i...
[1 reply] : What kind of situation are you in when this happens? Are you trying to... (by NullInfinity)
write a program when given an integer n prints out all positive number with 4 divisors up to n
write a program when given an integer n prints out all positive number with 4 divisors up to n #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n ; ... (by Chriscpp)
Gaussian elimination
Hi there I have tried to write a code that reads in values from an nxn matrix and then print those values out. I think I have succeeded in doing this. The next ...
[no replies]
by leo255
Need help utilizing stringstream in my program (reading #'s line by line from file)
Hello, I need some help implementing stringstream in my program. The main problem with my program is that it repeats the last number. Chervil was kind enough to...
[1 reply] : The (simplified) logic would be something like this: string line;... (by Chervil)
Making simple database non mysql
I am very new to programming and I am working on a visual studio windows form app that will allow you to input information into 3 text boxes and then click a bu...
[no replies]
by pokk
get private variable from public function
Hello everyone, I am new in the C++ world of programming and I am getting desperate with the following code. Basically, I am trying to get a variable defined a...
[2 replies] Last: Hi coder777 thank you for your answer and your explanation, now I und... (by pokk)
Not seeing << ??
I used cout<< in other parts of my code but for some reason it's not seeing it at the one spot and it's the only error I'm getting... Why? #include <iostr...
[2 replies] Last: Ohhhhh, Duh, Thank you so very much..... When you look at it for so lo... (by stardust2552)
by epba
Help ME about type data
Please help me, im realy confused :D my source can't be compile but, can run ? every i compile,always show converting to 'int' from 'double'. How to fix i...
[4 replies] Last: i cant change, if i use int gaji_bersih=total_gaji_kotor-(asuransi+p... (by epba)
function and dynamic aray
hi eveybody. i have a question.plz help me. can i use dynamics aray for argumant in function,in another way i wanna have a function and i wanna the number of ...
[3 replies] Last: This involves using variadic functions but it seems that is dangerous.... (by condor)
problem with const pointer
int main(void) { int(*p)(const char*,...); int printf(const char*,...); when I do case:1 p=printf ---->suppose x p("hello"); case 2: p=&print...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> void takes_array_ref(int (&) ) { std::cout <... (by Cubbi)
% operator HELP!
Does the % operator (the remainder) work with type double variables???? double result=1.654%1.0
[1 reply] : No. That shouldn't compile. (by MrHutch)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 45678... 80
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