by shuuichi
weird numbers on matrix multiplication
[1 reply] : Line 35: uninitialized array. Line 37: use of uninitialized value. If... (by keskiverto)
by sarfrazm7
Letter Frequency help plz
[4 replies] Last: I just use this definition of SortArray because I had used it previou... (by cire)
by QataJo
Why wont it work?
[4 replies] Last: I'm a bit confused with how you corrected my program with the changing... (by QataJo)
by amitk3553
errors in arguements in function call
[no replies]
by miniman1013
Help - what am I doing wrong???
[3 replies] Last: You will be using all of that for the rest of your class, I seriously ... (by IWishIKnew)
by tesseract92
Text file with Parallel Arrays
[3 replies] Last: seekg, not seekp. seekp() is a member of ofstream. The way I remembe... (by IWishIKnew)
by bebarb
Exception handling
[4 replies] Last: Wow, I'm not sure how I didn't catch that. I think logically speaking ... (by bebarb)
to cire about the allegro error message |
[1 reply] : Can you give the exact error message rather than paraphrasing? A quic... (by cire)
by ccwtree11
Help with overloading
[no replies]
First time poster (I'm sorry)
[8 replies] Last: Thanks that did the trick! I ended up doing something slightly differe... (by TRAINWRECK)
by dreaddie
need some assistance
[1 reply] : You didn't learn anything in class?? (by IWishIKnew)
swap function |
[1 reply] : um... int y(1), x(0); swap(x, y); //x and y are swapped... Mabey y... (by IWishIKnew)
by Kaan Kara
Divide and Conquer
[1 reply] : (by mobotus)
by NoobCoder85
[2 replies] Last: Global constants OK. Avoid global variables like you have here. doub... (by mobotus)
by metulburr
confusion of error
[1 reply] : ok figured it out. After posting i reviewed the code one last time, an... (by metulburr)
by enz0
Blackjack game
[1 reply] : While in a traditional blackjack game, you don't input your cards, but... (by CplusplusAcolyte)
by painith
Arrays in a function
[2 replies] Last: In your function "getData", your while loop is not prompting for them ... (by Parasin)
linked list; why is it defined struct Node * next inside the struct?
[4 replies] Last: It was because the names for structs were not in the same visible spac... (by Duthomhas)
by Randall
pthread and fprintf(file_descriptor,..) question
[2 replies] Last: The most obvious answer: Each thread does not have a unique file desc... (by Disch)
by density
what can we put in an array
[2 replies] Last: Yes. That's called a two-dimensional array. There are two ways to do ... (by Duthomhas)