by kmartar
Student Programmer help with error in function calls.
[5 replies] Last: Could you post the updated version of your code please. (by Chervil)
by Cosmonausta
Strange negative number in bubble sort code
[2 replies] Last: Wow, that fixed it. I don't completely understand how, but it worked.... (by Cosmonausta)
by Sharan123
[10 replies] Last: Nice coding you have set the 1st array column to the 2nd array row i d... (by Sharan123)
by h4ever
creation of vector
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your explanation. I think it is clear to me now. According... (by h4ever)
by Dania
is this a good programme?
[2 replies] Last: Is it good? Well, it's had to say, is it isn't clear what it is suppos... (by Chervil)
output strange? |
[8 replies] Last: Sorry after looking up what an array is I now understand. Thank you v... (by closed account 4LzRX9L8)
by enemy
Three functions +main
[1 reply] : Your question is unclear? What do you mean by 'make'? Do you want to c... (by The illusionist mirage)
by enemy
I really appologise, but...
[2 replies] Last: Many thanks- just wanted to be sure!!! (by enemy)
by tieuyentu
Hello World
[2 replies] Last: It is not easy without changing the main but you can do something like... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by metulburr
change code blocks key bindings
[no replies]
by enemy
Prime numbers
[2 replies] Last: MANY THANKS, IT WORKS!!!!!!. PLEASE, what means this (translation fro... (by enemy)
by enemy
always answer falso???
[5 replies] Last: You're missing the closing brace in you Prime function. (by The illusionist mirage)
by DevHalo
Reduce code length?
[2 replies] Last: I think you should be using arrays to hold the names of each subject a... (by Chervil)
fstream. seekp and seekg are two names of same pointer or not |
[no replies]
by R57x
c++ operation system detected ?
[5 replies] Last: Thank You Duoas (by R57x)
separate wordzzzz |
[4 replies] Last: uhm, in line 42, it should output what the vector stacked. the separat... (by Dammned Programmer)
by amitk3553
Pointers and type casting
[2 replies] Last: a pointer cast does not change anything pointed to. in other words: y... (by coder777)
Defining a default constuctor outside the class. |
[5 replies] Last: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh... (by Notamongsheep)
by density
how is code called
[4 replies] Last: I thought this is a definition. how is the function called? Like so: ... (by coder777)
by tatai
storing data in C++
[12 replies] Last: No, but paste is a GNU app, so its (C) sources are open. (by keskiverto)