by fitipaldi
array of pointers to functions
[3 replies] Last: Thanks .Now I find out the problems. (by fitipaldi)
by btickle1
what code should i use?
[1 reply] : Simple algorithm for ordering an array is switching and solving for ex... (by snowright)
by Albo Coder
vector problem
[1 reply] : Assuming that newones is an std::vector , then no, the member funct... (by Catfish666)
by fahmankhan75
Array Intialization :)
[8 replies] Last: Of course you can, but it depends on what you actually need to achieve... (by keskiverto)
by Kevin2341
Looping a program
[3 replies] Last: while(yesOrNo != 'y' || yesOrNo != 'n') { cout << "Must enter y... (by tom221b)
by Joshcannon
Printing prime numbers
[4 replies] Last: (by mutexe)
by KvltKitty
Makefile (using header files, main files, etc)
[4 replies] Last: You will pass an input file’s name on the command file. Use argv ... (by Catfish666)
by deividas717
Sorting words C++
[14 replies] Last: Line 7: length() gives me a lenght of a word (by deividas717)
by gnasen
Dynamic array of classes
[1 reply] : - What goes wrong? blub is not changed. - What is the proper way to... (by coder777)
by atreestump
Erasing characters from a string
[1 reply] : You're passing the string by value to the checkDigits function by va... (by MrHutch)
by Modern Man19
how to hide user input
[1 reply] : The getch() on line 104 only gets the new line left from line 101. In... (by coder777)
simple function for making something in a .txt file ascending order |
[4 replies] Last: here is a tentative function: int Lrg_Pos(int st_pos, int l_pos) { ... (by nutty craze)
by adit20m
Pancake Glutton
[no replies]
by kolo7880
Using a Word as a Variable Value
[3 replies] Last: Here is a working example that shows the user a list of available comp... (by cspctec)
by altitudes
Text file to a 2D array
[no replies]
by muddaser
[1 reply] : First of all, it is incredibly difficult to understand what you want. ... (by cspctec)
by cory000
Array Problem
[no replies]
I need help with pointers |
[no replies]
by solid boss
Printing blocks of asterisks as text
[1 reply] : Yeah, printing it out horizontally isn't quite as easy as printing it ... (by long double main)
by anhkha1205
Generate a polynomial program.
[no replies]